Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
Think big about small things!
Introduction to MEMS
Jan.-Apr. 2005
Instructor: G. K.
Ananthasuresh, Room 106, ME Building, suresh at
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Homework #8
Assigned: Mar. 29, 2005
Due: Apr. 5th, 2005
Points: 25
Please look at ETCAnalysis.pdf before
you begin to work on this homework.
25 points
Include the convection effect on the electro-thermal-compliant actuate
that we discussed in the class (see the above pdf file). Through this
analytical and numerical modeling, discuss how the maximum temperature and
the relative tip-deflection vary with material properties and size. Feel
free to use Maple/Mathematica and Matalb as necessary. The expression may
be long but we are interested in separating the efefcts of proportion of
the device, size, and material properties.
Extra credit of 10 homework points for plotting the temperature
profile of the device with and without convection effect for some sample