Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
Think big abut small things.
ME 237 and NE 211
Mechanics of Microsystems : Micro/nano Mechanics
Aug.-Dec., 2014
Instructor: G. K.
Ananthasuresh, Room 106, ME Building, suresh at
Homework #2
Assigned: Aug. 14th, 2014
Due: Aug. 21st, 2014
Points: 60
30 points
Two uni-axial suspensions are shown in the figure below.
Derive kxx, kyy and kzz for both. Also derive, rotational stiffness about the
z-axis for both.
30 points
Use the beam finite element code and verify your analytical formulae derived in
the previous problem using
reasonable numerical data. By "reasonable", we mean that the geometric parameters and material properties should
make sense from the viewpoint of micro/nano mechanical suspensions.