Format for node.dat =================== SerialNumber x-coordinate y-coordinate Include as many lines as above as the number of nodes you have. Serial number is the number of the nodes. Format for elem.dat =================== SerialNumber Node1 Node2 beam-width beam-depth YoungsModulus Include as many lines as above as the number of elements. Node1 and Node1 mean the number of the nodes that make the element. Format for the forces.dat ========================= SerialNumber Node# dof# Force/Moment_value Include as many lines as above as the number of forces you want to apply. Node# is the number of the node at which you want to apply force or moment. dof# is 1 for x direction force, 2 for y-direction force, and 3 for moment about the z-axis. If at a node more than one dof is to have force/moment, you need to include more than one line. Format for disp.dat =================== SerialNumber Node# dof# Displacement/Slope_value Include as many lines as above as the number of displacements you want to fix. Node# is the number of the node at which you want to fix displacement or slope. dof# is 1 for x direction displacement, 2 for y-direction displacement, and 3 for slope (i.e., the rotation about the z-axis). If at a node more than one dof is to be fixed, you need to include more than one lines. The displacement/slope value can be zero or non-zero.