Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560 012. INDIA.

ME 240 Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems

October 2020 to January 2021


Ashitava Ghosal : asitava at iisc dot ac dot in
G. R. Jayanth : jayanth at iisc dot ac dot in

Teaching assistant: Yogesh Pratap Singh, yogeshsingh iisc dot ac dot in  and  Rakesh Kumar, rakeshkumar2 iisc dot ac dot in
Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM; on Online through on Microsoft Teams


Credits: 3:0

Timings: Tuesday /Thursday (10 am to 11.30 am)


This is a core course for M Tech course students. The course is intended to introduce kinematics and dynamics of rigid body and multi-body systems undergoing 3D motions and feedback control of mechanical systems. 


The first part of the course starts with representation of rigid bodies in 3D, its position and orientation using rotation matrices, Euler angles and other techniques. The concept of multi-body systems, degrees of freedom, holonomic and non-holonomic constraints and representation of a multi-body system using generalized coordinates are covered. The concept of linear and angular velocities and accelerations of a rigid body as a single entity and as a part of a multi-body system is covered. External forces in multi-body systems due to gravity, damping, spring and actuators are introduced and equations of motion of rigid and multi-body systems are formulated using Newton-Euler and Lagrangian formulations. Equations of motion of linkages and robotic manipulators are derived and approaches to solve them numerically are presented. The second part is devoted to feedback control of dynamic systems. It is restricted to linear systems and their modeling and control. It starts with classical control using root locus and frequency domain analysis tools of Bode and Nyquist plots. Time domain state-space based design and analysis of control systems is also introduced, and key concepts of stability, controllability and observability of linear dynamical systems are covered in detail.  

The course uses Matlab and other computational tools for dynamic and control system analysis and design.  




At the end of the course, the student is expected to have a good understanding of the following concepts: rotation matrices, Euler angles, Newton-Euler equations, dynamics of rigid bodies such as tops, gyroscopes and robotic manipulators, Lagrangian formalism, importance of feedback control, classical control design in the frequency domain, modern control design in the time domain using state-space based system representation. A student on completion of this course will be able to derive equations of motions of rigid multi-body mechanical systems, solve them using Matlab and be exposed to commercial packages for modeling and simulation of rigid multi-body systems. The student should be able to model and analyze feedback controlled dynamical system using tools in Matlab. This course will help the student to take advanced courses in nonlinear dynamics and control, robotics and mechatronic system.