Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
Optimization hinders evolution!
ME256 Variational Methods and Structural Optimization Aug.-Dec. 2005
Instructor: G. K. Ananthasuresh, Room 106, ME Building, suresh at
Course work
Assigned work
Syllabus and notes

Syllabus, schedule, and notes
Topics to be covered in this course
  • Motivating examples of calculus of variations
  • Mathematical preliminaries: normed vectors spaces, functionals (continuous and linear), directional derivative, concept of variation, Gateaux variation, Frechet differential, etc.
  • Fundamental lemmas of calculus of variation
  • Euler-Lagrange (E-L) equations
  • Applications of E-L equation
  • Extensions of E-L equation to multiple derivatives, independent variables, multiple state variables
  • Isoperimetric problems--global and local (finite subsidiary) constraints
  • Applications of optimizing functionals subject to constraints
  • Applications in mechanics: strong and weak forms of governing equations
  • Variable end conditions--transversality conditions
  • Size optimization of a bar for maximum stiffness
  • Self-adjointness and optimization with weak variational form
  • Optimization with side constraints (variable bounds)
  • Worst load scenario for an axially loaded stiffest bar
  • Min-max type problem with stress constraints
  • Beam problems for stiffmess and strength
  • Optimization of a beam for given deflection
  • Optimum design of a column
  • Variable-thickness optimization of plates
  • Sufficient conditions for E-L optimum
  • Applications of sufficient conditions
  • Finite dimensional optimization--A summary and highlights
  • Numerical optimization techniques
  • Using the optimization tool-box in Matlab
  • Truss topology optimization
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Frame topology optimization
  • Compliant mechanism design using topology optimization of trusses and frames
  • Topology optimization using continuum elements
  • Optimality criteria method
  • Shape optimization of structures
  • Applications to multi-physics problems
  • Material interpolation techniques for topology optimization

Week Dates Topics Recitations Notes Assignments
1 Aug. 4: Calculus of variations and its applications; a bit of history.
Galileo and BP, Galileo and BP2
Homework #1
2 Aug. 9: Mathematical preliminaries: function, operator, functional, metric space, metric, scalar field, vector space, norm, normed vector space, Banach space, Cauchy sequence, completeness
Aug. 11: Mathametical preliminaries: Inner product, inner product space, Hilbert space, function spaces, energy space, Lebesgue space, Sobolev space, linear, continuous functional, Gateaux variation, necessary condition for the extremum of a functional, Frechet differential
Aug. 12: Examples of Gateaux variation of some functionals
Notes #1
Homework #2
3 Aug. 16: Some properties of Frechet differential, equivalence between Gateaux variation and Frechet differential, operationally useful form of Gateaux variation, fundamental lemma of calculus of variations and du Bois-Raymond's proof of the lemma, and lemmas involving higher derivatives with proofs.
Aug. 18: Euler-Lagrange equations, example problems: minimum distance between two points in a plane and brachistochrone problem, principle of minimum potential energy and its application to the governing equilibrium equations for an axially deforming bar, significance of boundary conditions.
Homework #3
4 Aug. 23: Weak form of governing differential equations of elastic systems, principle of virtual work, boundary conditions for a beam, E-L equations for the case of an intergral constraint, the problem of enclosing maximum area by a planar curve of given length.
Aug. 25: Variational derivative, statement of the E-L equations for the case of an integral constraint, constraint-qualification in finite-variable optimization and its equivalent in calculus of variations.
Homework #4
5 Aug. 30: multiple-function and multiple-derivative cases, proofs of E-L equations for the cases of an integral constraint and an algebraic constraint. Statement of the problem with general differential equation constraints.
Sep. 1: General variation of functionals at the boundaries, transversality conditions, Weierstrass-Erdmann corner conditions and discontinuous extremals.
Homework #5
6 Sep. 6: Fundamental lemma of the two-variable case and its proof; E-L necessary conditions for the two independent variable case; the case of multiple independent variables and multiple (higher order) partial derivatives; Green's theorem in 3-D; example of a plate with uniform load
Sep. 8: Size optimization of an axially loaded bar for maximum stiffness for given volume of material; mean compliance as a measure of stiffness; outline of the solution and its important features.
Sep. 9: Examples
Lecture 11
No homework this week!
7 Sep. 12: Continuation of the stiffest bar problem with upper and lower bounds on the area of cross-section; emphasis on design equations, boundary conditions, adjoint variable, and physical meaning of the Lagrange (both scalar and function) multiplers; complementarity conditions, nature of the solution and all the equations that provide the complete solution; Switching the objective function and the volume constraint.
Sep. 15: Solution of the stiffest bar problem using Maple; Inclusion of stress constrains; analyzing the nature of the solution by identifying various cases of active and inactive constraints; dividing the design domain into different intervals; analogy to solving finite-variable constrained optimization problems.
Sep. 16: Beam-bar problem with a torsional-spring hinge at one end and guiding along a straight line at the other end; treating the boundary integrals in a general problem; transversality conditions for a functional involving second derivatives of the state variable.
Homework #6
8 Sep. 20: Worst distribution of a given load for an axially loaded bar; minimizing the maximum stress for a given volume of material of an axially loaded bar.
Sep. 22: Clayperon's theorem and an alternate statement of the worst load problem; Stiffness requirement as a point-wise constraint and its implications. Sep. 23: Going over the questions submitted; Stiffest beam for a given volume; analogy to the bar problem;
Homework #7
9 Sep. 27: Design for a given deflection of beams; repetition of beam problems based on the formulations for the bars.
Sep. 29: More on design for deflection of beams for flexibility and design; design of beams and bars for desired mode shapes; ill-posed (or ill-formulated) problems and ways to rectify them
Sep. 30: Practice problems; finding the functional when the extremizing functions or the E-L equations are given.
Practice problems for mid-term
10 Oct. 4th: Optimal design of columns
Oct. 6th: Elastic string in tension, equation of motion, minimum characterization of the eigenvalue problem with proof, Rayleigh quotient for the eigenvalue problem and buckling
Oct. 7th: Practice problems and solutions of homeworks 6 and 7
No homework this week
11 Oct. 11th: Mid-term exam; open notes but closed book.
Oct. 13th: Holiday; Happy Dasara!
Oct. 14th: Numerical optimization with Matlab's optimization toolbox
Sample optimization files TrussFiles
Test your intuition
Midterm exam (in class) Project proposal
12 Oct. 18th: Variable-thickness plates and sheets
Oct. 20th: Finite variable otpimization; KKT-conditions and outline of their derivations and their significance
Oct. 14th: More on KKT conditions; sufficiency conditions
Optimization theory
Homework #8