Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
Life is very mechanical!
BE 205 Introduction to Biomechanics of Solids Jan.-May., 2016
Instructors: G. K. Ananthasuresh, Room 106, ME Building, suresh at
Lectures: Tu, Th: 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm;
Venue: MRDG classroom, Ground floor, Biological Sciences Building

Schedule and Notes

Week Dates Topics Notes Assignments
1 Jan. 5: Scope of the course
Concept of stress and strain
Jan. 7: Coordinate transformation of stress and strain

Jan. 7: Introducing Matlab; animation of the lower arm lifting a weight
(at 5 pm by the TA; we have BSSE Annual Symposium on 8th; hence changed to 7th)
Cheat-sheet for classical mechanics

A "refresher" problem set on classical mechanics
Coordinate transformation of stress
Homework #1
2 Jan. 12: Strain measures
Jan. 14: Strain transformation
Constitutive relations
Jan. 15: Inverse kinematics of a two-jointed planar arm
Jan. 16: Matlab lectures from 09:00 am to 12:30 pm in ME-MMCR by Anish RoyChowdhury
Finding principal stresses using eigenanalysis
3 Jan. 19: Constitutive relations (contd.)
Jan. 21: No class
Jan. 22: Problems on stress and strain transformation and constitutive relations
- Homework #2
4 Jan. 26: No class on account of the Repulic Day
Jan. 29: Static equilibrium in 1D, 2D, and 3D; thin cylindrical shells
Jan. 22: 3D stress and strain transformation
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5 Feb. 2: Thin spherical shell
Thick cylndrical shells and its implications in stress concentration, interference fits, and rotating cylinders
Feb. 4: Axial deformation of slender members
Feb. 5: Numerical problems in shells
Thin and thick shelss
More on thick shells
Homework #3
6 Feb. 9: Torsion of circular cylinders; stress and twist.
Feb. 11: Tutorial on finite element analysis software
Feb. 12: A numerical problem on combined torsion and axial force
Static failure: part 1
Static failure: part 2
Static failure: part 3
Homework #4
7 Feb. 16: Static failure theories
Feb. 18: Beam theory
Feb. 19: Second session on COMSOL finite element analysis software
Beam theory
Homework #5
8 Feb. 23: Beam theory (contd.)
Feb. 25: Column buckling
Feb. 26: Beam problems; curved beam problem
Column buckling
Practice problems
9 Mar. 1: Dynamics of a spring-mass-damper model
Mar. 3: Response of a viscoelastic material: creep and relaxation
Mar. 4: A problem on vibrations
10 Mar. 8: Discussion of a dozen problems in view of the mid-term review
Mar. 10: Midterm examination
11 Mar. 15: 1D Viscoelasticity; concepts of stress relaxation and creep
Mar. 17: Mechanical analogs of viscoelasticity; Hamilton's principle; Lagrngian and Rayleigh's dissipation function
Mar. 11: Viscoelastic modeling example
"Polymer Mechanics" by Wineman and Rajagopal; Chapter 1
12 Mar. 22: Class cancelled
Mar. 25: Stress relaxation function and creep function equations using equation of motions approach
Mar. 26: Midterm (re-test)
"Polymer Mechanics" by Wineman and Rajagopal; Chapters 1 and 2
13 Mar. 29: Standrad linear solid and its evaluation in creep and stress-relaxation experiments
Mar. 31: Introduction to cytoskeleton and motor proteins by Dr. Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan
Apr. 1: Odd-numbered problems in Chapters 1 and 2 of "Polymer Mechanics" by Wineman and Rajagopal
"Polymer Mechanics" by Wineman and Rajagopal; Chapter 2
Cytoskeleton and motor proteins
Homework #6
14 Apr. 4: Mechanical forces on proteins
Boltzmann distribution and equipartition of energy
Apr. 5: Diffusion and thermal forces
Apr. 7: Chemical forces on proteins
Link to slides on Howards's book
Derivation of the Boltzmann Equation
Why is there a pi in the solution of the Green's function of the diffusion equation?
Homework #7
15 Apr. 11: Polymerization of cytoskeletal filaments
Apr. 12: Active polymerization
Apr. 14: Speeds, forces, and steps of molecular motors
Polymerization of cytoskeletal filaments; active polymerization
Speeds of Motors and Steps and Forces
Putting theory into practice: data from real experiments
Homework #8