Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
Optimization hinders evolution!
ME256 Variational Methods and Structural Optimization Jan.-May, 2014
Instructor: G. K. Ananthasuresh, Room 106, ME Building, suresh at
Lectures: Tu, Th: 08:30 AM - 10:00 AM; Venue: ME MMCR (Multimedia Classroom)

Schedule and Notes

Week Dates Topics Notes Assignments
1 Jan. 7: Panorama of optimization problems; scope of the course.
Jan. 9: Genesis of calculus of variations
Formulation of calculus of variations problems in geometry and mechanics
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Homework #1
2 Jan. 14: Happy Sankranthi! (no class)
Jan. 16: Formulation of calculus of variations problems in geometry and mechanics (contd.)
A quick overview of finite variable optimization: unconstrained minimization
Lecture 4
Homework #2
3 Jan. 21: Unconstrained minimization in finite number of variables: necessary and sufficient conditions
Constrained minimization with equality constraints: Lagrange multiplier concept
Jan. 23: Constrained minimization with inequality constraints: complementarity conditions
Lecture 5
4 Jan. 28:
Karush Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions
Constraint qualification
Sufficient condition for a constrained minimum; Bordered Hessian
Jan. 30: Mathematical preliminaries for calculus of variations: functional, vector spaces, metric, normed vector space, and function spaces
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
Homework #3
5 Feb. 4:
Gateaux variation; Frechet differential; linearity and ocntinuity of functionals.
Feb. 6: Fundamental lemma of calculus of variations; Euler-Lagrange equations and their generalization to multiple derivatives and multiple functions; boundary conditions.
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Lecture 11
Homework #4
6 Feb. 11:
Two and three independent variables in the integrand; boundary conditions and Euler-Lagrange equations
Feb. 13: Integrand involving two independent variables and up to second derivatives; static equilibrium of a plate.
Lecture 12
Homework #5
7 Feb. 18:
Variational derivative;analogy to partial derivative; Euler's method of deriving the necessary conditions.
Feb. 20: Global (summatve) and local (pointwise) constraints in calculus of variations; the concept of Lagrange multipliers in calculus of variations.
Lecture 13
Lecture 14.
Homework #6
8 Feb. 25:
General (non-contemporaneous) variation; transversality conditions for functionals involving first and second derivatives
Feb. 27: Weierstrass-Erdmann corner conditions; broken extremals; two-function case
Intergals and invairants of Euler-Lagrange equations
Lecture 15
Lecture 16.
No homework; instead go thorugh midterms of previous years
9 Mar. 4:
Inverse problems involving Euler-Lagrange equations
Variational methods in mechanics: some examples
Mar. 6: Midterm examination
Lecture 17
Lecture 18.
Homework #7
# April 23:
Final examination at 3 pm to 5 pm in MMCR.
Final examination papers of past years
Solve final exam problems of past years for practice.
# May 4:
Project presentations at 2 pm to 5 pm in MMCR.
12-minute presentation per student

You can find the content-page of the previous years here.