Aloke Kumar
Associate Professor
PhD, Purdue University, West Lafayette, 2010
BTech & MTech, IIT Kharagpur, 2005
Research Interests
Soft Matter/Complex fluids, Bacteria, Biofilms, Microfluidics, Opto-electrofluidics and Biophysics
- ME 244 Experimental Methods in Microfluidics
- ME 637 Colloidal Hydrodynamics (University of Alberta)
Selected Recent Publications
- Biswas, I., Ghosh, R., Sadrzadeh, M., & Kumar, A. (2018). Near wall void growth leads to disintegration of colloidal bacterial streamer.Journal of colloid and interface science, 522, 249-255.
- Debnath, N., Hassanpourfard, M., Ghosh, R., Thundat, T., Sadrzadeh, M., & Kumar, A. (2017). Abiotic streamers in a microfluidic system. Soft matter, 13(46), 8698-8705.
- Barai, P., Kumar, A., & Mukherjee, P. P. (2016). Modeling of Mesoscale Variability in Biofilm Shear Behavior.PloS one, 11(11), e0165593.
- Hassanpourfard, M., Ghosh, R., Thundat, T., & Kumar, A. (2016). Dynamics of bacterial streamers induced clogging in microfluidic devices.Lab on a Chip, 16(21), 4091-4096.
- Biswas, I., Ghosh, R., Sadrzadeh, M., & Kumar, A. (2016). Nonlinear deformation and localized failure of bacterial streamers in creeping flows.Scientific reports, 6, 32204.
- Hassanpourfard, M., Nikakhtari, Z., Ghosh, R., Das, S., Thundat, T., Liu, Y., & Kumar, A. (2015). Bacterial floc mediated rapid streamer formation in creeping flows.Scientific reports, 5, 13070.
- Wang, K. C., Kumar, A., Williams, S. J., Green, N. G., Kim, K. C., & Chuang, H. S. (2014). An optoelectrokinetic technique for programmable particle manipulation and bead-based biosignal enhancement.Lab on a Chip, 14(20), 3958-3967.
- Karimi, A., Karig, D., Kumar, A., & Ardekani, A. M. (2015). Interplay of physical mechanisms and biofilm processes: review of microfluidic methods. Lab on a Chip, 15(1), 23-42.
- Ghosh, R., Kumar, A., & Vaziri, A. (2014). Type-IV pilus deformation can explain retraction behavior. PloS one, 9(12), e114613.
Sponsored Projects
- ISRO-IISc Space Technology Cell, “Bacterial growth induced self-healing and smart consolidation of structural mass”, Awarded, 14.88 lakhs, 2018-2020, Role: PI
Additional Information
- Saroj Poddar Young Investigator, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (2017-2019)
- Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Microfluidics for Biological Systems, NSERC Canada, (2014-05/2017)
- Eugene P. Wigner Fellowship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA (2010-2012)
- DeKármán Fellowship, Josephine DeKármán Fellowship Trust, California, USA (2009-2010)