C. Dharuman
Senior Scientific Officer
MSc (Engineering), IISc, Bangalore, 2002
MSc (Applied Science), Anna University, Chennai,1 984
+91 80 2293 2304
Research Interests
Solar energy
Heat transfer
Fluid mechanics
Experimental engineering
Selected Recent Publications
- Fabrication of multipurpose trash collector using solar energy, C.Dharuman, Yuvaraj S, Subash GN, Ravishankar S., 2013.
- Design and fabrication of a solar energy-based desalination system C.Dharuman, Karthik. S, Krishnakumar, Pranav Bhardwaj, 2012.
- Measurement of pressure drop in pipe columns with couplers. R.N. Govardhan, C. Dharuman, 2011.
- Evaluation of cup anemometers for C-Wet, Chennai, C.Dharuman and A. Suriyanarayanan, 2007.
- Performance evaluation of an integrated solar water heater as an option for energy conservation, C.Dharuman, J. H. Arakeri and K.Srinivasan. “Journal of Energy and Building”, 38, 214-219, 2006.
Selected Recent Projects
- “Energy efficient polyhouse and aeroponic system for mini-tuber production of tissue cultured potato” (with Prof. J. Arakeri & Prof. M.S. Bobji, Dr. M. Udayakumar, Prof. K.R. Srinivas.). Sponsored by ICAR,
New Delhi. (3 years) - Precision farming model for peri-urban agriculture: technological interventions and innovations to enhance the input use efficiency. Sponsored by Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems, IISc, Bangalore. Project investigators: Prof. J. Arakeri, Prof. M.S.Bobji, Prof. R.N. Govardhan, Dr. G.S.V.L. Narasimham, Prof. R.V. Ravikrishna, Prof. K.R. Sreenivas, Mr. C. Dharuman, Dr. Usha Vijayaraghavan, Dr. M. Udayakumar, Dr. S. Bhaskar, Dr. Krishna Manohar, Dr. S. Kumaraswamy. (3 years)
- Investigation of hull-propeller interaction using PIV: R&D project of Naval Research Board, Govt of India: Prof. J. Arakeri, Mr. C. Dharuman, Prof. R.V. Ravikrishna
- Drag reduction by gas lubrication, R&D project of Naval Research Board, Govt of India -(with Prof J Arakeri and Prof R.N. Govardhan) – (3 Years)
- Evaporation from novel porous wick structures including leaflike ones Sponsored by ISTC, IISc Bangalore.