G.R. Jayanth
Associate Professor
PhD, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 2008
MS, The Ohio State University, Ohio, 2004
BTech, IIT Madras, 2002
+91 80 2293 3197
Research Interests
Precision motion measurement and control
Nanometrology and manipulation, Scanning probe microscopy
Micro-robotics, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
Optical sensors, Early warning systems
- IN 227 Control System Design
- PH 201 Introductory Physics III – Thermal and Modern Physics
Selected Recent Publications
- Sriramshankar, R., Mrinalini, R. S. M., & Jayanth, G. R. (2017). Design and fabrication of a flexural harmonic AFM probe with an exchangeable tip.Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics, 13(1-4), 39-53.
- Jayanth, G. R. (2017). The Fundamental Bandwidth Limit of Piezoelectrically Actuated Nanopositioners With Motion Amplification. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 139(11), 114501.
- Mrinalini, R. S. M., & Jayanth, G. R. (2017). Design and Evaluation of an Active Micro-Scale Ball and Socket Joint. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 26(4), 886-894.
- Punyabrahma, P., & Jayanth, G. R. (2017). A magnetometer for estimating the magnetic moment of magnetic micro-particles.Review of Scientific Instruments, 88(1), 015008.
Sponsored Projects
- Fabrication and evaluation of atomic force microscope probes with detachable and re-usable tips, Imprint, 2016-2019
Additional Information
- Member, Technical Committee for Micro machines, IFToMM (2018-2020)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Control System Society (CSS) Conference Editorial Board, December 2016-present
- Associate Editor, Sadhana, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences in Engineering, July 2015-present
- Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS), Aug. 2016-Present