Jaywant Arakeri
Emeritus Professor
PhD, California Institute of Technology, 1987
ME, Indian Institute of Science, 1981
BTech, IIT Madras, 1979
+91 80 2293 3228
Research Interests
Turbulent flows
Heat transfer
Fluid-structure interaction
Evaporation and heat transfer in porous medium, Unsteady flows
- ME 282 Turbulence
- PD 229 Elements of Fluid and Solid Mechanics
- ME 201 Fluid Mechanics
Selected Recent Publications
- David, M., Govardhan, R., & Arakeri, J. (2017). Thrust generation from pitching foils with flexible trailing edge flaps. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 828, 70-103
- Shinde, S., & Arakeri, J. (2014). Flexibility in flapping foil suppresses meandering of induced jet in absence of free stream. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 757, 231-250.
- Pawar, S. S., & Arakeri, J. H. (2016). Two regimes of flux scaling in axially homogeneous turbulent convection in vertical tube. Physical Review Fluids, 1(4), 042401.
- Cholemari, M. R., & Arakeri, J. H. (2009). Axially homogeneous, zero mean flow buoyancy-driven turbulence in a vertical pipe. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 621, 69-102.
- Puthenveettil, B. A., & Arakeri, J. H. (2005). Plume structure in high-Rayleigh-number convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 542, 217-249.
Sponsored Projects
- (PI) Energy efficient polyhouse and aerophonic system for mini tuber production of tissue cultured potato, ICAR
- (PI) Evaporation from Novel Porous wick structures including leaf-like ones ISTC (ISRO)
- (Co-PI) Study on propulsion from flexible 3D foils Fish like propulsion, NRB
- (PI) Microphysics of cloud droplets and aerosols Experimental and computational study, MOES
Additional Information
- Fellow of National Indian Academy of Engineering
- Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences
- Editor, Sadhana, Academy Proc. Engineering Sciences