K.R.Y. Simha
Professor (Emeritus)
PhD, University of Maryland, U.S.A, 1985
ME, IISc, Bangalore 1977
BE, UVCE, Bangalore, 1975
+91 80 2293 3231
Research Interests
Solid mechanics and elasticity
Fracture behaviour of materials
Mechanical behaviour of materials
Mechanics of impact and structural stability
Dynamic problems in engineering design
Failure mode analysis of industrial problems
Digital photoelasticity
- ME 242 Solid Mechanics
- ME 293 Fracture Mechanics
- ME 294 Applied Impact Mechanics of Solids
- ME 296 Structural Fracture Mechanics
Selected Recent Publications
- Surendra, K. V. N., & Simha, K. R. Y. (2013). Design and analysis of novel compression fracture specimen with constant form factor: Edge cracked semicircular disk (ECSD).Engineering fracture mechanics, 102, 235-248.
- Surendra, K. V. N., & Simha, K. R. Y. (2013). Synthesis and application of weight function for edge cracked semicircular disk (ECSD).Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 107, 61-79.
- Gotkhindi, T. P., & Simha, K. R. Y. (2013). Transverse elastic response of bundled coated cylinders.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 76, 70-85.
- Surendra, K. V. N., & Simha, K. R. Y. (2014). Characterizing frictional contact loading via isochromatics.Experimental Mechanics, 54(6), 1011-1030.
- Gotkhindi, T. P., & Simha, K. R. Y. (2014). Transverse orthotropic elastic moduli of bundled coated thin elliptical tubes. Composite Structures, 118, 178-199.
- Surendra, K. V. N., & Simha, K. R. Y. (2014). Analysis of cracked and un-cracked semicircular rings under symmetric loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 128, 69-90.
- (2016) Applied Impact Mechanics, C.L.Rao, V. Narayanamurthy and K R Y Simha, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. ISBN: 978-93-8546-227-6
- R.Y. Simha. Fracture Mechanics for Modern Engineering Design, Universities Press, 2000