R.V. Ravikrishna
MS, University of Alabama, 1994
BTech, IIT Madras, 1992
+91 80 2293 3226
Brief Biodata
R. V. Ravikrishna obtained his M.S. degree from the University of Alabama, USA, and PhD from Purdue University, USA. He joined the faculty of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 1999 and is currently the Pratt & Whitney Chair Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He also heads the National Centre for Combustion Research & Development (NCCRD) at IISc, Bangalore. Broadly, his research involves Combustion and Flow Diagnostics using Laser-based Techniques with applications in IC Engines and Gas Turbines. His current focus is on catalytic and MILD combustion, development of compact combustors based on the trapped vortex concept and atomization of biofuels. He has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences and holds 7 patents. His current and past PhD students number 24, of which 8 are currently faculty members in the various Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Combustion Institute (Indian Section), and is also an International Board Member of the ILASS-Asia. He was the Organizing Chair of the 18th ILASS-Asia Conference, 2016, and an Advisory Board Member for COMODIA 2017, Japan.
His group has active collaboration with industry partners in the automotive, energy and aerospace domains such as Siemens, Pratt & Whitney (USA), TVS Motors, Tata Motors, Bosch, Ashok Leyland, Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
Research Interests
Energy systems & thermal sciences
Combustion, atomization and sprays,
Laser-based diagnostic techniques & applied CFD
- ME 271 Thermodynamics
- ME 282 Computational Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow
- ME 284 Applied Combustion
List of Publications
Refereed Journals
- Badhuk, P., Ravikrishna, R. V. (2020), ‘A Numerical Study on the Response of Chemically Active Flame Inhibitors to Strain Rate Variations’, accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.
- Pramanik, S., Ravikrishna, R. V. (2020), ‘Effect of N2 dilution and preheat temperature on combustion dynamics of syngas in a reverse-flow combustor, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 110, 109926.
- Sahu, A. B. Markandeya, S., Badhuk, P., Ravikrishna, R. V. (2020), ‘Experiments and Kinetic Modeling of Diffusion Flame Extinction of 2-Methylfuran, 2,5-Dimethylfuran, and Binary Mixtures with Isooctane’, Energy Fuels 34(2), 2293-2303.
- Ghosh, A., Boggavarapu, P., & Ravikrishna, R. V. (2019), ‘Methods of Evaluation of Liquid Length Measurement for Evaporating Sprays’, Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 26(4), 359-369.
- Boggavarapu, P., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2019), ‘Quantitative Vapour Concentration Measurements in n-dodecane and n-hexadecane sprays’, 102: 397-405, Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science.
- Boggavarapu, P., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2019), ‘Evaporating Spray Characteristics of a Diesel-Ethanol Micro-emulsion’, 246:104-107, Fuel.
- Garg, M., and Ravikrishna, R .V., (2019), ‘In-Cylinder Flow and Combustion Modeling of a CNG-Fuelled Stratified Charge Engine’, 149: 425-438, Applied Thermal Engineering.
- S. K. Pandey, S. Vandana, S. R. S. Akella, Ravikrishna, R. V. (2019), ‘Potential of Early Direct Injection (EDI) for simultaneous NOx and soot emission reduction in a heavy duty turbocharged diesel engine’, Applied Thermal Engineering 158, 113762.
- Sinha, A., Ravikrishna, R. V. (2019), Experimental studies on structure of airblast spray in crossflow, Sādhanā 44 (5), 113.
- SR Prakash, SS Jain, JA Lovett, BN Raghunandan, RV Ravikrishna, Gaurav Tomar (2019), Detailed Numerical Simulations Of Atomization Of A Liquid Jet In A Swirling Gas Crossflow, Atomization and Sprays 29 (7), 577-603.
- SS Jain, N Tyagi, RS Prakash, RV Ravikrishna, G Tomar (2019), Secondary breakup of drops at moderate Weber numbers: Effect of Density ratio and Reynolds number, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 117, 25-41.
- Madan Mohan, A., Anand, T.N.C., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2018), ‘Atomization patterns produced by viscous, like-on-like impinging liquid jets’, 25(2):65-76, Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing.
- Boggavarapu, P., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2018), ‘A Comparison Of Evaporating Spray Structure Of Jatropha Methyl Ester And Diesel, And Surrogate Fuels’, 28(9): 797-809, Atomization and Sprays.
- Pandey, S., Sarma, A. S. R., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2018), ‘Novel Fuel Injection Strategies for HCCI Operation of a Heavy-Duty Turbocharged Diesel Engine’, 143: 883-898, Applied Thermal Engineering.
- Suryaprakash, R., Sinha, A., Tomar, G., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2018). ‘Liquid Jet in Crossflow: Effect of liquid jet entry conditions’, 93:45-56, Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science.
- Muralidhar, N., Himabindu, M., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2018). ‘Modeling of a hybrid heavy duty vehicle to assess energy recovery using a thermoelectric generator’, 148: 1046-1059, Energy.
- Sahu, A. B., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2018). ‘Advances in understanding combustion dynamics and chemistry using counterflow flames: A review’, 10(1), 38-71, International Journal of Spray & Combustion Dynamics.
- Pramanik, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017). ‘A review of concentrated solar power hybrid technologies’, 127:602-637 Applied Thermal Engineering.
- Krishna, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017). ‘Experiments and numerical studies on a Syngas-fired Ultra low NOx combustor’, 139(11):111502-111515, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power.
- Pramanik, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017). ‘Modeling of Rich Catalytic Combustion of Syngas’, 42(26):16514-16528, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- Sahu, A. B, and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2016). ‘Quantitative LIF measurements and kinetics assessment of NO formation in H2/CO syngas-air counterflow diffusion flames’, 173:208-228, Combustion and Flame.
- Sahu, A. B, Krishna, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017). ‘Quantitative OH measurements and numerical investigation of H2/CO kinetics in syngas-air counterflow diffusion flames’, 193:119-133, Fuel.
- Pramanik, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V., (2016). ‘A Novel Syngas-fired Hybrid Heating Source for Solar-Thermal Applications: Energy and Exergy Analysis’, 109:1011-1022, Applied Thermal Engineering.
- Gupta, M., Pramanik, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V., (2016). ‘Development of a syngas-fired catalytic combustion system for hybrid solar-thermal applications, 109:1023-1030, Applied Thermal Engineering.
- Gupta, S., Patil, V., Himabindu, M., and Ravikrishna R. V. (2016). ‘Life-Cycle Analysis of Energy and GHG Emissions of Automotive Fuels in India: Part 1 – Tank-to-Wheel (TTW) Analysis’, 96: 684-698, Energy.
- Patil, V., Shastry, V., Himabindu, M., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2016). ‘Life-Cycle Analysis of Energy and GHG Emissions of Automotive Fuels in India: Part 2- Well-to-Wheel (WTW) Analysis’, 96: 699-712, Energy.
- Sinha, A., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017). ‘LES of Spray in Crossflow – Effect of Droplet Distortion’, 9:1, 55-70, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics.
- Sinha, A., Suryaprakash, R., Madanmohan, A., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2016). ‘Experimental Studies on Evaporation of Fuel Droplets under Forced Convection Using Spray in Crossflow Methodology’, 164: 374-385, Fuel.
- Prasad, B.V.S.S.V, and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2016), ‘A Comparison of Diesel and Jatropha Methyl Ester (JME) Spray Characteristics: Effect of Nozzle Entry-Radius’, 26: 961-982, Atomization and Sprays.
- Sahu, A. B., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2015). ‘Effect of H2/CO composition on extinction strain rates of counterflow syngas flames’, 29:7, 4586-4596, Energy and Fuels.
- Krishna, S. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2015). ‘Quantitative OH PLIF diagnostics of syngas and methane combustion in a cavity combustor’, 187:11, 1661-1682 Combustion Science & Technology.
- Jain, M., Suryaprakash, R., Tomar, G., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2015). ‘Secondary Breakup of a Drop at moderate Weber numbers’, 471:2177, Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
- Sinha, A., Suryaprakash, R., Madanmohan, A., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2015). ‘Airblast spray in crossflow: Structure, Trajectory and Droplet Sizing’, 72, 97-111, International Journal of Multiphase Flow.
- Surya Prakash R., Anubhav Sinha, Raghunandan B. N., Gaurav Tomar and Ravikrishna R. V. (2015). “Breakup of volatile liquid jet in hot crossflow”, 15, 18-25, IUTAM Procedia.
- Krishna, S. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2015). ‘Optical Diagnostics of Fuel-air mixing and Vortex Formation in a Cavity Combustor’, 61, 163-176, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science.
- Sahu, A. B., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2014). ‘A detailed numerical study of NOx kinetics in low calorific value H2/CO syngas flames’, 39, no.30, 17358-17370, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
- Deshmukh, D., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2014), “Studies on the Microscopic Structure of Diesel Sprays at atmospheric and high gas pressures”, 6, no. 2, 199-220, International Journal of Spray & Combustion Dynamics.
- Himabindu, M. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2014), ‘Technology Development and Performance Evaluation of Small Biogas Genset Prototypes’, 73, 781-785, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research.
- Madanmohan, A., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2015), “Experimental studies on air-assisted atomization of Jatropha pure plant oils”, 25: 553-569, Atomization & Sprays.
- Tewari, S., Anand, T. N.C., Prabhu, N. M., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2014), “Study of liquid fuel transport in a small carburetted engine in the context of cold-start HC emission control”, 39, no. 3, 549-571, Sadhana, Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences.
- Jatana, G. S., Himabindu, M., Thakur, H. S., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2014), “Strategies for High Efficiency and Stability in Biogas-Fueled Small Engines”, 54, 189-195, Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science.
- Madanmohan, A., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2013), ‘Experimental studies on air-assisted impinging jet atomization’, 57, 88-101, International Journal of Multiphase Flow.
- Prasad B.V.V.S.U., Ray, B., and Ravikrishna R. V. (2014), “Thermal Efficiency of LPG and PNG-fired burners: Experimental and Computational Studies”, 116, 709-715, Fuel.
- Garg, M., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2014). “Effect of Port Gas Injection on In-cyinder stratification in a CNG-fuelled SI engine”, 14, no.4, 244-258, Progress in CFD.
- Prasad, B.V.S.S.V, and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2013), “A review of atomization and sprays of biofuels for IC Engine applications”, 5 (2), 85-121, International Journal of Spray & Combustion Dynamics.
- Madanmohan, A., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2012), “An experimental study on effervescent atomization of bio-oil fuels”, 22, no. 8, 663-685, Atomization and Sprays.
- Deshmukh, D., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2013), “A method for measurement of planar liquid volume fraction in dense sprays”, 46, 254-258, Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science.
- Madanmohan, A., Anand, T.N.C., Ravikrishna, R. V. (2013), “Full chemical kinetic simulation of biogas early-phase combustion in SI engines”, 27, 1, 197-207, Energy and Fuels.
- Anand, T.N.C., Madanmohan, A., Ravikrishna, R. V. (2012), “Spray characterization of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends from a multi-hole port fuel injector’, 102, 613-623, Fuel.
- Agarwal, K. K., Krishna, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V., (2013), Mixing Enhancement in Compact Trapped Vortex Combustors’ 185:3, 363-378, Combustion Science & Technology.
- Deshmukh D., Madan Mohan A., Anand T.N.C., and Ravikrishna R. V. (2012), “Spray Characterization of Straight Vegetable Oils at High Pressure”, 97, 879-883, Fuel.
- Agarwal, K. K., and Ravikrishna, R. V., (2012), “Validation of the Modified Eddy Dissipation Concept in stationary and non-stationary turbulent diffusion flames”, 184:2, 151-164, Combustion Science & Technology.
- Rajesh Kumar, and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2012), “Modeling of a natural convection-based agricultural dryer”, 71, 316-323, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research.
- Deshmukh, D., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “Experimental studies on high-pressure spray structure of biofuels”, 21 (6): 467-481, Atomization and Sprays.
- Agarwal, K. K., and Ravikrishna, R. V., (2011), “Flow-Acoustic Characterization of a Cavity-based Combustor Configuration”, vol. 61, no.6, 523-528, Defence Science Journal.
- Anand, T. N. C. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2012), “Modeling of Mixture Preparation in a Small, Single Cylinder, Four-stroke Engine with Port Fuel Injection (PFI)”, 12, no.6, 375-388, Progress in CFD.
- Agarwal, K. K., and Ravikrishna, R. V., (2011), “Experimental and Numerical Studies in a Compact Trapped Vortex Combustor : Stability Assessment and Augmentation”, 183:12, 1308-1327, Combustion Science & Technology.
- Pandey, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “Quasi-dimensional Modeling and Parametric Studies in a Heavy-duty HCCI Engine”, DOI:10.1155/2011/216762, Journal of Combustion.
- Ameen, M. M. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “An EDC-based Turbulent Premixed Combustion Model”, 15, 5, 607-622, Combustion Theory and Modelling.
- Prasad B.V.V.S.U., Sharma, C. S., Anand, T. N. C., and Ravikrishna R. V. (2011). “High swirl-inducing piston bowls in small diesel engines for emission reduction”, vol. 88, 2355-2367, Applied Energy.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011). “Sustainable Energy for Rural India”,vol. 46, no. 4, 942-956, Zygon.
- Singhal, A., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “Single Cavity Combustor Dynamics, Part-1: Experiments”, vol. 3, no. 1, 23-44, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics.
- Singhal, A., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “Single Cavity Combustor Dynamics, Part-2: Simulations”, vol. 3, no. 1, 45-64, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics.
- Anand, T. N. C., Deshmukh, D., Mohan, A. M., and Ravikrishna. R. V. (2010). “Laser-based spatio-temporal characterization of Port Fuel Injection (PFI) sprays”, vol. 2, 125-149, International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics.
- Sharma, C. S., Anand, T. N. C., and Ravikrishna R. V. (2010). “A methodology for analysis of diesel engine in-cylinder processes to achieve reduction in exhaust emissions”, vol. 10, 157-167, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Himabindu, M., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2010), ‘Potential of bio-DME as a Transporation Fuel for India’, vol. 2, 052701, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.
- Bakshi, S., Anand, T. N. C., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2007). “In-cylinder charge stratification and fuel-air mixing in a new, low emission two-stroke engine”, vol. 8, 271-287, International Journal of Engine Research.
- Abani, N. Bakshi, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2007). “Multi-dimensional modelling of spray, in-cylinder air motion and fuel–air mixing in a direct-injection engine”, Sadhana: Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 32, vol.5, 1-21.
- Madhusudhan, K., Narasimhan, M. V., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2006). “A New Cyclone Separator-based Pre-filter Design for I C Engine Applications Part I – Experiments and Simulation”, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 220, 1353-1362.
- Madhusudhan, K., Narasimhan, M. V., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2006). “A New Cyclone Separator-based Pre-filter Design for I C Engine Applications Part II – Parametric Study and Optimization”, Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science, vol. 220, 1363-1373.
- Ravikanth, G. S. G., Ravikrishna, R. V., and Munjal, M. L. (2005). “Design and Thermo-Fluid dynamic Analysis of an Acoustic Enclosure for a Diesel Genset”, J. Acous. Soc. Ind. Vol. 33, 458-463.
- Bakshi, S., Deshmukh, D. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2004). “Multi-dimensional modeling of flow through piston-controlled ports using a multi-block, moving mesh algorithm”, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs vol 218 Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 207-222.
- Ravikrishna, R. V., Cooper, C. S., Naik, S., and Laurendeau, N. M. (2004). “Quantitative Laser-induced Fluorescence Measurements and Modeling of Nitric Oxide in High-pressure (6-15 atm) Counterflow Diffusion Flames,” Combustion Science and Technology, 176, 1-21.
- Bakshi, S. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2003). “Assessment of zero-dimensional, hybrid and multi-dimensional simulations for transient air-flow through a cylinder-duct assembly”, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs vol 217 Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 585-591.
- Ravikrishna, R. V., and Laurendeau, N. M. (2003). “Evaluation of Nitric Oxide Kinetics in High-Pressure (up to 5 atm) flames”, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs vol 217 Part A: Journal of Power and Energy.
- Shamit Bakshi and R. V. Ravikrishna (2003). “Multi-dimensional simulation of the air-flow and fuel transport process in the air-assisted injection system of a new, low-emission two-stroke engine”, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs vol 217 Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 383-392.
- Thomsen, D. D., Ravikrishna, R. V., Cooper, C. S., Jiang, Y., and Laurendeau, N. M. (2001). “Concentration Measurements in a Mixing for Lean, Premixed, Gas Turbine Combustors,” Journal of Propulsion and Power vol 17, No. 1, 218-222.
- Ravikrishna, R. V., Thomsen, D. D., and Laurendeau (2000). “Laser-induced Fluorescence Measurements and Modeling of Nitric Oxide in High-pressure Counterflow Diffusion Flames,” Combustion Science and Technology, 157, 243-261.
- Ravikrishna, R. V., and Laurendeau, N. M. (2000). “Laser-induced Fluorescence Measurements and Modeling of Nitric Oxide in Counterflow Partially-premixed Flames,” Combustion and Flame 122:474-482.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. , Cooper, C. S., and Laurendeau, N. M. (1999). “Comparison of Saturated and Linear Laser-induced Fluorescence Measurements of Nitric Oxide in Counterflow Diffusion Flames,” Combustion and Flame 117, 810-820.
- Ravikrishna, R. V., Partridge, Jr., W. P., and Laurendeau, N. M. (1999). “Quantification of Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence Measurements of Nitric Oxide in Partially-Premixed Flames,” Combustion Science and Technology 144, p. 79.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. and Laurendeau, N. M. (1999). “Laser-induced Fluorescence Measurements and Modeling of Nitric Oxide in Ethane-air and Methane-air Counterflow Diffusion Flames,” Combustion and Flame 120, p. 372.
- Cooper, C. S., Ravikrishna, R. V., and Laurendeau, N. M. (1998). “Comparison of Laser-saturated, Laser-induced, and Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence Measurements of Nitric Oxide in a Lean, Direct-Injection Spray Flame,” Applied Optics 37, 4823-4833.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. and Laurendeau, N. M. (1998). “Laser-saturated Fluorescence Measurements of Nitric Oxide in Laminar Counterflow Diffusion Flames,” Combustion and Flame 113, 473-475.
Book Chapters
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2006). “Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence (PLIF) in Engine Diagnostics”, Monograph on Combustion Diagnostics, Combustion Institute (IS).
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2003). “CFD – Applications to thermo-fluid processes in IC Engines”, Monograph on Current Trends in IC Engines Development, Combustion Institute (IS).
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
- Pabitra Badhuk, RV Ravikrishna, ‘A Numerical Study on the Response of Trimethyl Phosphate-Doped Laminar Counterflow Diffusion Flames to Strain Rate Variations’, 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), Fukuoka, Japan, July 1-5, 2019.
- V. Ravikrishna, ‘Trapped Vortex Combustion; Insights from Laser Diagnostics & Numerical Simulations’, Plenary lecture, 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), Fukuoka, Japan, July 1-5, 2019.
- V. Ravikrishna, ‘Well-to-wheels (WTW) analysis of Automotive Fuels for India’, Keynote lecture, 26th National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Kurukshetra, India, November 1-4, 2019.
- Pabitra Badhuk, RV Ravikrishna, ‘Development of a Skeletal Kinetic Mechanism for TMP based Flame Inhibition’, 26th National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Kurukshetra, India, November 1-4, 2019.
- Sundara Venkatesh M and R. V. Ravikrishna, ‘Computational modeling of methanol and n-dodecane fuel sprays under evaporating and non evaporating conditions’, 26th National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Kurukshetra, India, November 1-4, 2019.
- Pallav Kesarwani, Surya Prakash and R. V. Ravikrishna, ‘Experimental Study of a Rotary Atomizer’, 26th National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Kurukshetra, India, November 1-4, 2019.
- Santanu Pramanik, R. V. Ravikrishna, ‘Hybrid RANS/LES Simulation of Ultra-lean Combustion of Syngas’, 26th National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Kurukshetra, India, November 1-4, 2019.
- Anupam Ghosh, Prasad Boggavarapu and R. V. Ravikrishna, ‘Experimental Study on Diesel- Methanol Emulsion Evaporating Sprays’, 26th National Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Kurukshetra, India, November 1-4, 2019.
- Saurabh Markandeya; Ravikrishna, R. V. (2018), ‘Spray Characterisation of Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) in Spray Flames and Impact On Particulate Emissions’, 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), July 22-26, Chicago, USA.
- Anupam Ghosh; Ravikrishna R. V. (2018), ‘Spray Characteristics of Methanol-in-diesel Emulsions’, 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), July 22-26, Chicago, USA.
- Prasad Boggavarapu; Surya Prakash R; Ravikrishna R. V. (2018), ‘Effect of Ambient Density on Single Drop Breakup – Experimental Study’, 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), July 22-26, Chicago, USA.
- Pallav Kesarwani; Ravikrishna, R. V. (2018), ‘Spray Characteristics of A Rotary Atomizer’, 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), July 22-26, Chicago, USA.
- Prasad Boggavarapu; Surya Prakash R; Madan Mohan A; Ravikrishna R. V. (2018), ‘Secondary Atomization- Vindication of New Breakup Regimes and Detailed Drop Sizing’, 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), July 22-26, Chicago, USA.
- Suhas Jain S; Surya Prakash R; Ravikrishna R V; Raghunandan B N; Gaurav Tomar (2018), ‘Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Density Ratio on Secondary Breakup’, 14th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), July 22-26, Chicago, USA.
- Santanu Pramanik, Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017) ‘Non-premixed Combustion of Syngas under MILD and Conventional Conditions’, 25th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Suratkal, India, December 15-17, 2017.
- Prasad Boggavarapu, Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017) ‘Vapour Concentration Measurements in Evaporating Sprays of n-Dodecane’, 25th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Suratkal, India, December 15-17, 2017.
- Anupam Ghosh, Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017) ‘Spray Characteristics of Methanol-in-Diesel Emulsion’, 25th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Suratkal, India, December 15-17, 2017.
- Atanu Dolai, Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017) ‘Experimental Studies on Lean Catalytic Combustion of Methane’, 25th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Suratkal, India, December 15-17, 2017.
- Surya Prakash, R., Suhas Jain, Raghunandan, B. N., Ravikrishna, R. V., Gaurav T. (2017) ‘Liquid Jet in Swirling Cross Flows – A Numerical Investigation’, 25th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Suratkal, India, December 15-17, 2017.
- Saurabh Markandeya, Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017) ‘Drop Size Distribution Measurements in Furnace Oil Spray Combustion’, 25th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (NCICEC), Suratkal, India, December 15-17, 2017.
- Saurabh Markandeya, Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017) ‘Extinction Studies of Furanic Fuels using a Counterflow Diffusion Flame’, 9th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems (COMODIA), Okayama, Japan, July 25-28, 2017.
- Prasad Boggavarapu, Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017) ‘Experimental Studies on Non-Evaporating and Evaporating Sprays of n-Dodecane and n-Hexadecane’, 9th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems (COMODIA), Okayama, Japan, July 25-28, 2017.
- Santanu Pramanik, Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017) ‘Large Eddy Simulation of MILD Combustion of Syngas’, 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Sydney, Australia, December 10-14, 2017.
- Santanu Pramanik, Ravikrishna, R. V. (2017) ‘Reaction Zone Structure of Syngas Combustion under MILD and Conventional Conditions’, 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), Sydney, Australia, December 10-14, 2017.
- Surya Prakash, R., Prasad Boggavarapu, Raghunandan, B. N., Ravikrishna, R. V., Gaurav T. (2017) ‘Liquid Jet in Swirling Cross Flow – An Experimental Study’, 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), Sydney, Australia, December 10-14, 2017.
- Saurabh Markandeya, and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2016) ‘Experimental investigation of droplet evaporation under forced convective conditions’, ILASS-Asia 2016, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – Asia, Chennai, India, November 6–9, 2016.
- Prasad Boggavarapu, and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2016), ‘Comparison of Jatropha Methyl Ester and Diesel spray structure under evaporating ambient conditions‘, ILASS-Asia 2016, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – Asia, Chennai, India, November 6 –9, 2016.
- Prasad Boggavarapu, and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2016), ‘Measurement and Comparison of Vapour Concentrations in evaporating sprays of n-Dodecane and n-Hexadecane ‘, ILASS-Asia 2016, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – Asia, Chennai, India, November 6 –9, 2016.
- Suhas Jain Suresh, Surya Prakash Ramesh, Neha Tyagi, Gaurav Tomar and R V Ravikrishna (2016), ‘Effect of Density Ratio on the Secondary Breakup of Spherical Drops in a Gas Flow’, ILASS-Asia 2016, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – Asia, Chennai, India, November 6 –9, 2016.
- Surya Prakash Ramesh, Suhas Jain Suresh, Gaurav Tomar, R V Ravikrishna and B N Raghunandan (2016), ‘Liquid jet in Swirling Cross Flow’, ILASS-Asia 2016, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – Asia, Chennai, India, November 6 –9, 2016.
- Surya Prakash Ramesh, Suhas Jain Suresh, Gaurav Tomar, Ravikrishna R V and Raghunandan B N (2016), ‘Computational study of liquid jet breakup in swirling cross flow’, ILASS-Asia 2016, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – Asia, Chennai, India, November 6 –9, 2016.
- Surya Prakash, Mohit Jain, Raghunandan B. N., Ravikrishna R. V., Tomar, G. (2015) ‘Numerical Study of Liquid Jet in Swirling Cross Flow’, 13th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), Tainan, Taiwan, August 23-27, 2015.
- Surya Prakash, Anubhav Sinha, Raghunandan B. N., Ravikrishna R. V. (2015), ‘Jet in cross flow- Influence of liquid jet entry conditions’, 13th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), Tainan, Taiwan August 23-27, 2015.
- Anubhav Sinha, Surya Prakash R. and R.V. Ravikrishna, ‘Spray in preheated crossflow – Effect of air density’, 13th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), Tainan, Taiwan August 23-27, 2015.
- Sahu, A. B. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2015), Extinction properties of syngas counterflow diffusion flames, the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19-22, 2015.
- Pramanik, S., Sahu, A. B. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2015), Numerical study of rich catalytic combustion of syngas in a platinum-coated channel, The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Beijing, China, July 19-22, 2015.
- Gupta, M., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2015), “Experimental studies on rich catalytic combustion of biomass derived syngas”, 24thNational Conference on Internal Combustion Engine and Combustion, Dehradun, India, October 30th – November 1st, 2015.
- Krishna, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2015), ‘Numerical studies on Trapped Vortex Combustor with Syngas fuel’, 24thNational Conference on Internal Combustion Engine and Combustion, Dehradun, India, October 30th – November 1st, 2015.
- Suryaprakash, R. Sinha,, A., Raghunandan, B. N., Tomar, G., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2014), “Breakup of volatile liquid Jet in hot crossflow”, IUTAM Symposium on Multiphase flows with phase change: challenges and opportunities, Hyderabad, India.
- Prasad, B.V.S.S.U. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2014), “Effect of nozzle entry radius on the atomization of Jatropha Methyl Ester (JME) and diesel sprays”, ILASS-Asia 2014, 17th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Shanghai, China.
- Jain, M., Suryaprakash, R. Tomar, ,G., Ravikrishna, R. V., and Raghunandan, B. N. (2013), “Numerical simulations of liquid jet breakup in a crossflow, GTINDIA2013-3690, ASME 2013 Gas Turbine India Conference, Bangalore, India.
- Krishna S, Santanu Pramanik and R. V. Ravikrishna, (2013), “ Numerical Modelling of a Turbulent Non – Premixed CO/H2/N2 Flame”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Surat, India.
- Anubhav Sinha, Surya Prakash R., A. Madan Mohan and R. V. Ravikrishna, (2013), “Experimental Studies on Spray in a Cross Flow”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Surat, India.
- Pramanik, T. Chattaraj and R. V. Ravikrishna, (2013), “Numerical Simulation of Low Temperature Combustion of Syngas”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Surat, India.
- Prasad B., A. Madan Mohan and R. V. Ravikrishna, (2013), “Experimental Studies on Secondary Breakup of Jatropha Biodiesel”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Surat, India.
- Himabindu M., Sankesh D. and R. V. Ravikrishna, (2013), “Homogeneous Charge Glow-Plug Ignition (HCGI) of Biogas in a Small Engine”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Surat, India.
- B. Sahu and R. V. Ravikrishna, (2013), “NO Kinetics in a Low Calorific Value Syngas Air Opposed Jet Diffusion Flame”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Surat, India.
- Madan Mohan and R. V. Ravikrishna, (2013), “Transient Air-Assisted Atomization of Straight Vegetable Oil”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Surat, India.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2013), “Modeling Chemistry for CFD in Reacting Flows”, 15th Annual CFD Symposium, Aeronautical Society of India, Bangalore, India. (Invited Talk)
- Sahu, A. B., and Ravikrishna, R. V., (2013), “Effect of pressure on NO kinetics in Syngas combustion”, 11th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Jose, USA.
- Sinha, A., and Ravikrishna, R. V., (2013), “Studies on spray in crosslow for a cavity combustor”, 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose, USA.
- Krishna, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V., (2013), “Experiments on stability of syngas combustion in a trapped vortex combustor”, 11th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Jose, USA.
- Anubhav Sinha, Surya Prakash R., B. N. Raghunandan, R.V. Ravikrishna, (2013), “Experimental investigation of jet dispersion in crossflow”, National Propulsion Conference, IIT Madras.
- Prasad, B.V.S.S.V., Ravikrishna, R. V. (2012), ‘A Comparison of Jatropha Methyl Esther and Diesel Non-evaporating Sprays’, ICLASS-2012, Germany.
- Madan Mohan, A., Anand, T.N.C., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2012), ‘Experimental spray characterisation of air-assisted impinging jets’, ICLASS-2012, Germany.
- Madanmohan, A., Anand, T.N.C., Deshmukh, D., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “Air-assisted impinging jet spray characterization of Pongamia pure plant oil”, ILASS-EUROPE 2011, 24th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Estoril, Portugal.
- Deshmukh, D., Madanmohan, A., Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “Spray characterization of Pongamia pure plant oil in a high pressure chamber”, ILASS-EUROPE 2011, 24th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Estoril, Portugal.
- Sahu, A. B. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “Effect of Strain Rate and Composition on Counterflow Low Calorific Value Syngas Diffusion Flames”, XVII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Calicut, India.
- Sinha, A., Sivaprakasam, M. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “Spray Vortex Interactions in a Trapped Vortex Combustor”, XVII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Calicut, India.
- Deshmukh, D. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “On the Near-Nozzle Structure of High Pressure Pongamia Oil Sprays”, XVII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Calicut, India.
- Madanmohan, A. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “Effervescent Atomization of Karanja Straight Vegetable Oil”, XVII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Calicut, India.
- Krishna, S. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2011), “Numerical Simulations of Stable Syngas Combustion in Trapped Vortex Combustor”, XVII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Calicut, India.
- Ameen, M. M., Reddy, L. K., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2010), “A Modified EDC-based Approach for Modeling Turbulent Premixed Combustion”, 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Hyderabad, India.
- Sivaprakasam, M., and Ravikrishna, V. (2010), “Simulations of two-phase reacting flow in a cavity combustor”, 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Hyderabad, India.
- Garg, M., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2010), “CFD Modeling of In-Cylinder Fuel-Air Mixing in a CNG-Fuelled SI Engine with Port Gas Injection”, SAE Paper 2010-32-0003.
- Anand T.N.C., Madan Mohan A., Devendra Deshmukh, and Ravikrishna R.V. (2010), “Optical characterization of PFI gasoline sprays: Effect of Injection Pressure” SAE Paper 2010-32-0067.
- Madan Mohan A., Deshmukh D., Anand T.N.C., and Ravikrishna R. V. (2010), “Effervescent Spray Characterization of Jatropha Pure Plant Oil”, ILASS-EUROPE 2010, 23rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Deshmukh D., Madan Mohan A., , Anand T.N.C., and Ravikrishna R. V. (2010), “High Pressure Spray Characterization of Vegetable Oils”, ILASS-EUROPE 2010, 23rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2010). ‘Sustainable Energy for Rural India’, IRAS Summer Conference, Star Island, USA.
- Agarwal, K. K. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2009). “Unsteady Reacting Flow Study of a Trapped Vortex Combustor’, 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2009), “CFD & Laser Diagnostics: Complementary Tools in Engine Research”, XVI National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Davangere, India. (Invited Talk).
- Thakur, H. S., Vikram, S., Ravikrishna, R. V. (2009), “Performance and Stability Improvement in Biogas-Fueled Small S.I.Engines with Dual Spark Strategy”, XVI National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Davangere, India.
- Anand T.N.C., Tewari, S., Prabhu, N. M., and Ravikrishna R.V. (2009), “Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations, Optical Diagnostics, and Experiments on a Carburetted Engine”, XVI National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Davangere, India.
- Sivaprakasam, M., Ganesh, S., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2009), “Numerical Simulations of a Kerosene-fuelled Trapped Vortex Combustor”, XVI National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Davangere, India.
- Deshmukh, D., Madan Mohan A. and Ravikrishna R. V. (2009), “Design and Development of a High Pressure Spray Characterisation Facility”, XVI National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Davangere, India.
- Madan Mohan A., Anand T.N.C., Deshmukh, D., and Ravikrishna R.V. (2009), “Laser-Based Spray Charactersization of 4-Hole Low-Pressure Port Fuel Injection (PFI) Injector “, XVI National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Davangere, India.
- Prasad, B.V.V.S.U. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2008). “High swirl-inducing piston bowls in small diesel engines for emission reduction”, AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies User Conference, Pune, India.
- Markandeya, S. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2008). “Fuelling strategies for small engines with 100% biogas operation”, AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies User Conference, Pune, India.
- Agarwal, K. K. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2008). “Trapped Vortex Combustor (TVC) simulations using AVL-FIRE”, AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies User Conference, Pune, India.
- Anand, T. N. C., and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2008). “Experiments and modeling of the mixture formation process in a small PFI engine”, AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies User Conference, Pune, India.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2008). “Spray Diagnostics applied to a Port Fuel Injector”, UGC Course on ‘Recent Advances in Simulation, Diagnostics and Control of Thermal Systems’, Jadavpur, India. (Invited Talk)
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2008). “Optimization of Piston Bowl Geometry in a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine through CFD”, National Workshop on Recent Advances in IC Engines, Warangal, India. (Invited Talk)
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2008). “Development of a single-cylinder SI Engine for 100% Biogas Operation”, National Workshop on Future Fuels for Low Emission Engines, Annamalainagar, India. (Invited Talk)
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2007). “Reacting Flow Simulations with detailed chemistry: Applications in IC Engines and Gas Turbines”, 7th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ACFD), Bangalore, India. (Invited Talk)
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2007). “Studies on the Trapped Vortex Combustor (TVC) Concept” Aerospace Technologists Meet, IIT Madras, India. (Invited Talk)
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2007). “Role of CFD in Engine Design”, National Seminar on Alternative Fuels for IC Engines, Jaipur, India. (Invited Talk)
- Singhal, A., Shetty, D. A., and Ravikrishna R.V. (2007). “Unsteady Simulations of Single-Cavity Trapped Vortex Combustion”, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Nagoya, Japan.
- Mohan, A. M. and Ravikrishna R. V. (2007). “Multi-dimensional Combustion Simulations in a Single-Cylinder Biogas-fuelled Spark Ignition Engine with Detailed Chemistry”, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Nagoya, Japan.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2006). “Efficient small SI Engines for 100% Biogas Operation”, National Workshop on Policy Framework for Biogas Programme for next 10 years, New Delhi, India. (Invited Talk)
- Singhal, A. and Ravikrishna R.V. (2006). “Numerical Study of a Single Cavity Trapped Vortex Combustor for Aero Gas Turbine Engines”, 18th National & 7th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IIT Guwahati, India.
- Anand T. N. C. and Ravikrishna R.V. (2006). “Modeling of Fuel Transport in the Intake Manifold of a Single Cylinder Four-Stroke Engine: Carburetion vs. Port Fuel Injection”, 18th National & 7th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IIT Guwahati, India.
- Ravikrishna R. V. (2005). “Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence (PLIF) in Engine Diagnostics”, National Workshop on Combustion Diagnostics, organized by the Combustion Institute (IS) at Programme AD, DRDO, Hyderabad, India. (Invited Talk)
- Prasad B.V.V.S.U. and Ravikrishna R. V. (2005). “Effect of Combustion Chamber Geometry and Injector Characteristics on Emissions from a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine”, Proceedings of ICEF2005, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2005 Fall Technical Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
- Bakshi, S., Anand T. N. C. and Ravikrishna R. V. (2005). “Computational Studies On Charge Stratification and Fuel-Air Mixing in a New Two Stroke Engine”, Proceedings of ICEF2005, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2005 Fall Technical Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
- Anand T.N.C. and Ravikrishna R. V. (2005). “Multi-dimensional, Transient Fluid Flow Simulation in the Intake Manifold of a Single Cylinder Four-Stroke Engine”, Proceedings of ICEF2005, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2005 Fall Technical Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
- Prasad B.V.V.S.U. and Ravikrishna R.V. (2005). “CFD Simulation of In-cylinder Air Flow in A DI Diesel Engine – Effect of Combustion Chamber Geometry”, XIX National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Annamalainagar, India.
- Singhal, A. and Ravikrishna R.V. (2005), “Optimization of a Single Cavity Trapped Vortex Combustor Design for Aero Gas Turbine Engine Applications”, Paper No. NCICEC-05/150, XIX National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Annamalainagar, India.
- Kapadia, B. K. and Ravikrishna R.V. (2005). “Experiments and Simulations on a 100% Biogas-Fueled Single Cylinder Genset Engine”, XIX National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Annamalainagar, India.
- Anand T. N. C. and Ravikrishna R.V. (2005). “Air Flow Simulations in the Intake Manifold of a Single Cylinder Four-Stroke Engine”, XIX National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Annamalainagar, India.
- Singhal, A. and R. V. Ravikrishna (2004). “Multi-dimensional modeling in a gas turbine combustor”, Proceedings of the 7thNational Conference on Air-breathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion, Kanpur.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2003). “CFD – Applications to thermo-fluid processes in IC Engines”, Workshop on Current Trends in IC Engines Development, organized by the Combustion Institute (IS) at Programme AD, DRDO, Hyderabad, India. (Invited Talk)
- Anand, T. N. C., Abani, N. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2003). “Fuel spray-ar interaction in a GDI Engine: effect of turbulent droplet dispersion”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Bakshi, S. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2003). “Multi-dimensional modeling of the scavenging process in a loop-scavenged two-stroke engine”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Madhusudan, K., Vikram, G., Narasimhan, M. V. and R. V. Ravikrishna (2003). “Numerical simulation of the two-phase gas-solid flow in a cyclone separator: Application to air-filtration in IC Engines”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Bakshi, S. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2003). “A multi-block moving mesh algorithm for modeling of flow through piston-controlled ports”, XVIII National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
- Kumar, R. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2003). “Modeling and optimization of a biomass-fired natural convection-type dryer”, International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies, Jaipur, India.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. (2003). “CFD – Applications to thermo-fluid processes in IC Engines”, Workshop on Current Trends in IC Engines Development, Combustion Institute (Indian Section), Hyderabad, India.
- Bakshi, S. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2002). “Modeling of the Air-assisted Injection System of a New, Low-emission Two-stroke Engine”, SAE World Congress, Detroit, USA.
- Abani, N., Bakshi, S. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2002). “Modeling of the Spray and In-Cylinder Air Interaction in Direct-injection Engines”, SAE Paper 2001-28-0001.
- Abani, N. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2001). “Modeling of the Spray and In-Cylinder Air Interaction in Direct-injection Engines”, XVII National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion, Surathkal, India.
- Deshmukh, D. and Ravikrishna, R. V. (2001). “Modeling of two-stroke engine cylinder scavenging flow”, XVII National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion, Surathkal, India.
- Ravikrishna, R. V., and Laurendeau, N. M. (2001). “Evaluation of Nitric Oxide Kinetics for Gas Turbine Combustion”, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, AIAA.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. and Laurendeau, N. M. (1999). “Laser-induced Measurements and Modeling of Nitric Oxide in High-Pressure Counterflow Diffusion,” Spring Technical Meeting, Joint United States Section, The Combustion Institute, Washington D.C.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. and Laurendeau, N. M. (1998). “Laser-induced Measurements and Modeling of Nitric Oxide in Counterflow Diffusion and Partially-Premixed Flames,” Spring Technical Meeting, Central States Section, The Combustion Institute, Lexington, KY.
- Thomsen, D. D., Ravikrishna, R. V., Laurendeau, N. M., and Gore, J. P. (1998). “Chemical Kinetic Analysis of State Relationships in Opposed Diffusion Flames”, Spring Technical Meeting, Central States Section, The Combustion Institute, Lexington, KY.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. and Laurendeau, N. M. (1997). “Laser-induced Fluorescence Measurements and Modeling of Nitric Oxide in Counterflow Diffusion Flames,” Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Laser Diagnostics in Combustion, Plymouth, NH.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. and Laurendeau, N. M. (1997). ” Laser-induced Fluorescence Measurements and Modeling of Nitric Oxide in Counterflow Diffusion Flames,” Spring Technical Meeting, Western States Section, The Combustion Institute, Livermore, CA.
- Ravikrishna, R. V. and Laurendeau, N. M. (1996). ” Experimental Assessment of Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence Measurements of Nitric Oxide in Partially-Premixed Flames,” Spring Technical Meeting, Central States Section, The Combustion Institute, St. Louis, MO.
Sponsored Projects
- Principal Investigator, National Centre for Combustion Research & Development funded by DST [Rs. 36.7 crores] (2011-2018)
- Principal Investigator, Project funded by Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) on Low emission Natural Gas Combustor [Rs. 1.3 crore] (2017-2019)
- Principal Investigator, Project funded by Siemens on High pressure Trapped Vortex Combustor [Rs. 1.1 crore] (2018-2011)