Himabindu M.
Senior Scientific Officer
PhD, CEG, Anna University, Chennai, 2010
ME, CEG, Anna University, Chennai, 2001
BTech, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, 1999
+91 80-2293 2961
Research Interests
Homogeneous charge compression ignition
Bioenergy – Alternative fuels – Methanol and dimethyl ether
Waste heat recovery systems – Thermoelectric generators
Plasma assist combustion
Testing and development of biogas generators
Selected Recent Publications
- Muralidhar, N., Himabindu, M., & Ravikrishna, R. V. (2018). Modeling of a hybrid electric heavy duty vehicle to assess energy recovery using a thermoelectric generator. Energy, 148, 1046-1059.
- Gupta, S., Patil, V., Himabindu, M., & Ravikrishna, R. V. (2016). Life-cycle analysis of energy and greenhouse gas emissions of automotive fuels in India: Part 1–Tank-to-Wheel analysis. Energy, 96, 684-698.
- Patil, V., Shastry, V., Himabindu, M., & Ravikrishna, R. V. (2016). Life-cycle analysis of energy and greenhouse gas emissions of automotive fuels in India: Part 2–Well-to-wheels analysis.Energy, 96, 699-712.
- Himabindu, M., & Ravikrishna, R. V. (2014). Performance Assessment of a Small Biogas-fuelled Power Generator Prototype.Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 73, 781-785
- Jatana, G. S., Himabindu, M., Thakur, H. S., & Ravikrishna, R. V. (2014). Strategies for high efficiency and stability in biogas-fuelled small engines.Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 54, 189-195.
Sponsored Projects
- Studies on Homogeneous Charge Glow Plug Ignition (HCGI) for small engines (2/3 wheelers). DST-Young Scientist scheme (2016-2019) as PI
Additional Information
- Industry consultancy projects:
- Well-to Wheel GHG and energy efficiency evaluation of various conventional and alternate fuel vehicles in the Indian Context (as Co-Principal Investigator) for Tata Motors Ltd. (2011-2014).
- Concept Evaluation of Waste heat recovery from combustion exhaust gases (as Co-Principal Investigator) for Tata Motors Ltd. (2013-2015).