Koushik Viswanathan
Associate Professor
PhD, Purdue University, USA 2015
MS, Purdue University, USA 2014
BTech, MTech., IIT Madras, 2010
Research Interests
Advanced manufacturing and finishing processes
Experimental mechanics and metrology
Theoretical methods in mechanics and physics
- ME 261 Engineering Mathematics
- ME228 Materials and Structure Property Correlations
- ME291 Analysis of Manufacturing Process
- ME304 Applied Mathematics for Mechanics (Link to ME304 webpage)
Selected Recent Publications
- Ansari, A. & Viswanathan, K. (2022). Propagating Schallamach-type waves resemble interface cracks. Physical Review E (In Press).
- Dhami, H. S., Panda, P. R. & Viswanathan, K. (2022). Production of powders for metal additive manufacturing applications using surface grinding. Manufacturing Letters (In Press).
- Dhami, H. S., Panda, P. R., Mohanty, D. P. & Viswanathan, K. (2022). An Analytical Method for Predicting Temperature Rise Due to Multi-body Thermal Interaction in Deformation Processing. JOM, 74, 513-525
- Gupta, D., Udupa, A., & Viswanathan, K. (2021). Evaluating performance metrics in non-homogeneous cutting processes using a random-grid based digital image correlation (DIC) method. Manufacturing Letters 30, 44-48.
- Viswanathan, K., Yadav, S. & Sagapuram, D. (2020). Shear bands in materials processing: Understanding the mechanics of flow localization from Zener’s time to the present. Applied Mechanics Reviews, 72 (6), 060802.
- Sagapuram, D., & Viswanathan, K. (2018). Viscous shear banding in cutting of metals. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 140 (11), 111004.
- Udupa, A., Viswanathan, K., Saei, M., Mann, J. B., & Chandrasekar, S. (2018). Material-Independent mechanochemical effect in the deformation of highly-strain-hardening metals. Physical Review Applied, 10(1), 014009.
- Viswanathan, K., Udupa, A., Yeung, H., Sagapuram, D., Mann, J. B., Saei, M., & Chandrasekar, S. (2017). On the stability of plastic flow in cutting of metals. CIRP Annals, 66(1), 69-72.
- Viswanathan, K., & Sundaram, N. K. (2017). Distinct stick-slip modes in adhesive polymer interfaces. Wear, 376, 1271-1278.
- Viswanathan, K., Sundaram, N. K., & Chandrasekar, S. (2016). Stick-slip at soft adhesive interfaces mediated by slow frictional waves. Soft Matter, 12(24), 5265-5275.
- Aben, H., Anton, J., Õis, M., Viswanathan, K., Chandrasekar, S., & Chaudhri, M. M. (2016). On the extraordinary strength of Prince Rupert’s drops. Applied Physics Letters, 109(23), 231903.
- Viswanathan, K., Mahato, A., & Chandrasekar, S. (2015). Nucleation and propagation of solitary Schallamach waves. Physical Review E, 91(1), 012408.
- Yeung, H., Viswanathan, K., Compton, W. D., & Chandrasekar, S. (2015). Sinuous flow in metals. PNAS, 112(32), 9828-9832.
Sponsored Projects
- Deformation processing of lightweight structural metals: Correlating surface flow fields, energy dissipation and product quality through in situ analyses (DST SERB): 2019-2022.
- Shear banding dynamics in structural alloys under impact loading (ISRO STC): 2019-2022
- Modular Additive Manufacturing: Systems for hybrid and remanufacturing applications (MHRD IoE): 2019-2021