Susmita Dash
Associate Professor
PhD, Purdue University, West Lafayette, 2014
BTech, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, 2008
Research Interests
Multiphase transport phenomena, Bio-inspired surface engineering
Thermal management, Desalination
Scale mitigation, Electrowetting, Microfluidics
- ME 271 Thermodynamics
- ME 283 Two Phase Flows and Boiling Heat Transfer
Selected Recent Publications
- McBride, S. A., Dash, S., & Varanasi, K. K. (2018). Evaporative Crystallization in Drops on Superhydrophobic and Liquid-Impregnated Surfaces.
- Dash, S., Rapoport, L., & Varanasi, K. K. (2017). Crystallization-Induced Fouling during Boiling: Formation Mechanisms to Mitigation Approaches. Langmuir, 34(3), 782-788.
- Chandramohan, A., Dash, S., Weibel, J. A., Chen, X., & Garimella, S. V. (2016). Marangoni convection in evaporating organic liquid droplets on a nonwetting substrate. Langmuir, 32(19), 4729-4735.
- Dash, S., Chandramohan, A., Weibel, J. A., & Garimella, S. V. (2014). Buoyancy-induced on-the-spot mixing in droplets evaporating on nonwetting surfaces. Physical Review E, 90(6), 062407.
- Dash, S., & Garimella, S. V. (2014). Droplet evaporation on heated hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces. Physical Review E, 89(4), 042402.
- Dicuangco, M., Dash, S., Weibel, J. A., & Garimella, S. V. (2014). Effect of superhydrophobic surface morphology on evaporative deposition patterns. Applied Physics Letters, 104(20), 201604.
Additional Information
- Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, Purdue University, 2014
- Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award, Purdue University 2013
- EPPD Student Member of the Year, Electronic and Photonic Packaging Div. (ASME) 2012
- Referee for Nano Letters, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Langmuir, NanoLetters, Chemical Engineering Science, Applied Physics Letter, Heat Transfer Engineering, ASME conferences