C.S. Jog
PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1994
MTech/BTech (Dual Degree), IIT Bombay, 1988
+91 80 2293 2957
Research Interests
Solid mechanics
Continuum mechanics
Finite element methods
ME 242 Solid Mechanics
Exam | Assignment | Notes |
ME 243 Continuum Mechanics
Exam | Assignment | Notes |
ME 257 Finite Element Method
ME 261 Engineering Mathematics
UE 204 Elements of Solid Mechanics
Exam | Assignment | Notes |
ME 303 Partial Differential Equations
Selected Recent Publications
- Nandy, A., & Jog, C. S. (2018). A monolithic finite-element formulation for magnetohydrodynamics.Sādhanā, 43(9), 151.
- Jog, C. S., & Potghan, N. (2017). A Finite Element Method for Incompressible Fluid Flow in a Noninertial Frame of Reference and a Numerical Study of Circular Couette Flow with Varying Angular Speed.Fluids, 2(4), 53.
- Agrawal, M., & Jog, C. S. (2017). Monolithic formulation of electromechanical systems within the context of hybrid finite elements.Computational Mechanics, 59(3), 443-457.
- Foundations and Applications of Mechanics: Vol. I: Continuum Mechanics
- Foundations and Applications of Mechanics: Vol. II: Fluid Mechanics
Additional Information
Part of Computational Nanoengineering (CoNe) project for the development of MEMS software, which was integrated into finite element software package, NISA.
Project Name: Software development and Scientific Computing in Nanoengineering
National Programme on Micro and Smart Systems (NPMASS), 2009-2013
Total funding: INR 411 lakhs