NPTEL Course on Dynamics an Control of Mechanical Systems

  • The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) contains a course on dynamics and control of mechanical systems created during the pandemic (2022). The You Tube link to the lectures are available here.

    NPTEL Course on Robotics: Basics and Advanced Concepts

  • The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) contains a course on basics and advanced concepts in robotics created during the pandemic (2021). The You Tube link to the lectures are available here.

    Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis

  • Oxford University Press published my book in 2006. Here is the original Cover Page and here are the Contents . There were several errors, typos and mistakes in the first print. Here is a List of Corrections. The second reprint of May 2008 has almost all errors corrected.
  • The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) contains slides of 10 modules of an Advanced Course on Robotics prepared in 2010. The material for the slides draws heavily from the book mentioned above. The slides can also be viewed by following the links given here .
  • Patents

  • Gurumoothy B., Ghosal, A., Nambiar Rohit S. and Karia Deval, A portable system for refrigeration, Indian Patent No. IN201841006081A, Filing Date 2018-04-17, Published 2019-10-18. PCT Application No. WO2019202491A, Filing Date 2019-04-16, Published 2019-10-24.
  • Arbune Sneha Suhas, Poshith Uday Shankar, Ghosal, A. and Gurumoorthy B., Device for transferring subject from source platform to target platform, Indian Patent No. IN20140010114, Filing Date 2014-01-09, Published 2016-08-26.
  • Ghosal, A., Goel, P., Kumbhare, H. and Ramesh, M., Laparoscopic Aparatus, Indian Patent Application No. 2110/CHE/2009. PCT Application PCT/IN2010/000559, Filing Date 25/08/2010. Details available here.
  • Gupta, Aloke K, Ghosal, A., Ameen, A., Kamate, V., Mahantappa, U, and Amahantesh, D. V., Safety Cap and Sealing System for LPG Cylinder, Indian Patent Application No. 1689/MUM/2009 A. See Indian Patent Office link and here are some Pictures.
  • Ghosal, A., Pal, S. and Banerjee, A., Foldable Bicycle, Indian Patent No. 207565, Grant Date 14/06/2007. See Indian Patent Office link. Pictures before folding and after folding .
  • List of Publications

    Note: The downloadable PDF files are similar but not exactly the same as the version finally appearing in the Journals and Conferences Proceedings. The differences are in formatting, typesetting and minor additions/deletions in the text. For the final version of the Journal papers, please visit the Journal on-line site. Please send me an email with full address for a hard copy of the papers not available for download.

    Book Chapters & Reviews

  • Joseph Auchter, Carl A. Moore and Ashitava Ghosal, ``A novel kinematic model for rough terrain robots'', in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: Advances in Computational Algorithms and Data Analysis, Springer, Vol. 14, 2009, pp. 215-234. PDF(2.4 Mb).
  • Ashitava Ghosal, ``Book review: Mechanism design and configuration space'', in Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 43, pp. 1912-1913, 2011. PDF(17 Kb).
  • Ashitava Ghosal, ``Manipulator Kinematics'', in Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Springer-Verlag London, 2014. Preprint PDF(415 Kb).
  • In Journals

    1. Ghosal, A, ``An overview of robotics and newer applications'', Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, November 2024, pp.1-4.DOI: PDF (1 Mb)
    2. Singh, U., Trikha, M., Simha, K R Y and Ghosal, A., ``Experimental, numerical and theoretical analysis of a tapered belleville spring'', Proc. of the IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 238(221), pp. 10502-10514, 2024. DOI: PDF (5.4 Mb)
    3. Singh, Y. P., Ahmad N. and Ghosal, A., ``Dynamically isotropic Gough-Stewart platform for micro-vibration isolation in spacecrafts", Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 201, pp. 105735, 2024. DOI: PDF (42 Mb)
    4. Mahapatra, S. K. and Ghosal, A., ``Modeling, simulation and experiments with generally routed cable-driven continuum robots and their application to three-fingered grippers'', Robotica, pp. 1-16, 2024. DOI: PDF (885 Kb)
    5. Singh, Y. P., Ahmad N. and Ghosal, A., ``Design of decoupled and dynamically isotropic parallel manipulators considering five degrees-of-freedom’’, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 16 (1), pp. 011009, 2024. DOI: PDF (6.9 Mb)
    6. Ashwin, K. P., Mahapatra, S. K. and Ghosal, A., ``Profile and contact force estimation of cable-driven continuum robots in presence of obstacles", Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 164, pp. 104404, 2021. PDF (811 Kb)
    7. Ashwin, K. P., Chaudhury, A. N. and Ghosal, A., ``Efficient representation of ducts and cluttered spaces for realistic motion planning of hyper-redundant robots through confined paths'', Computer-Aided Design , Vol. 119, pp. 102777, 2020. PDF (15 Mb). The movies referred in the paper -- Figure 4 Movie 1 (174 Kb), Figure 6 Movie 2 (180 Kb), Figure 8 Movie 3 (106 Kb), Figure 11 Movie 4 (5.3 Mb), Figure 13 Movie 5 (2.1 Mb), Figure 15 Movie 6 (670 Kb)
    8. Ashwin, K. P. and Ghosal, A., ``A soft-robotic end-effector for independently actuating endoscopic catheters'', ASME Trans., Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 061004 (11 pages), 2019. PDF (2.3 Mb)
    9. Ashwin, K. P. and Ghosal, A., ``Static modeling of miniaturized pneumatic artificial muscles, kinematic analysis and experiments on an endoscopic end-effector'', IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics , Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 1429-1439, 2019. PDF (905 Kb)
    10. Puneet Singh, Abhishek Lenka, Albert Stezin, Ketan Jhunjhunwala, Pramod Kumar Pal, Ashitava Ghosal, Aditya Murthy, ``Basal ganglia contributions during the learning of a visuomotor rotation: effect of dopamine, deep brain stimulation and reinforcement", European Journal of Neuroscience, June 2019, article. Also available as biorXiv preprint
    11. Ahmad, N. Ranganath, R. and Ghosal A., ``Modeling of coupled dynamics of damping particles filled in the cells of a honeycomb sandwich plate and experimental validation'', JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 1706-1719, 2019. PDF (1.5 Mb)
    12. Ashwin, K. P. and Ghosal, A., ``A survey of static modeling of miniaturized pneumatic artificial muscles with new model and experimental results'', Trans. ASME, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 040802-19, 2018. PDF (3.9 Mb)
    13. Sandeep Reddy, B. and Ghosal, A., ``Robustness analysis of simple and augmented proportional plus derivative controller in trajectory following robots using Floquet theory'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 13, pp. 074501-1, 2018. PDF (1.7 Mb)
    14. Chaudhury, A. N. and Ghosal, A., ``Workspace of multi-fingered hands using Monte Carlo method'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 041003, 2018. PDF (7.1 Mb)
    15. Bhattacharya, S, Ananthasuresh, G. K. and Ghosal, A., ``Design of one-dimensional flexible sturcture for desired load-bearing capability and axial displacement'', Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 376-399, 2018. PDF (1.8 Mb)
    16. Ghosal, A., ``Resolution of redundancy in robots and in a human arm'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 125, pp. 126-136, 2018. PDF (1.3 Mb)
    17. R. B. Ashith Shyam and Ghosal, A., ``Path planning of a 3-UPU wrist parallel manipulator for sun tracking in central receiver tower systems'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 119, pp. 130-141, 2018. PDF (1.3 Mb)
    18. R. B. Ashith Shyam, Acharya, M. and Ghosal, A., ``A heliostat based on a three degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator'', Solar Energy, Vol. 157, pp. 672-686, 2017. PDF (570 Kb) Az_EL and 3RPS heliostat experiments (8.5 Mb)
    19. Chaudhury, A. N. and Ghosal, A., ``Optimum design of multi-degree-of-freedom closed-loop mechanisms and parallel manipulators for a prescribed workspace using Monte Carlo method'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 118, pp. 115-138, 2017. PDF (19.5 Mb)
    20. Francisco Valero, Marco Ceccarelli, Ashitava Ghosal, ``Applied mathematics to mobile robotics and their applications'', Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017. PDF (1.9 Mb)
    21. Menon, S. Midhun, Ravi, V. C. and Ghosal, A., ``Trajectory planning and obstacle avoidance for hyper-redundant serial robots'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 9, pp. 041010-041010-9, 2017. PDF (7.8 Mb) Hyper-redundant robot avoiding obstacles (9.5 Mb)
    22. Sandeep Reddy, B. and Ghosal, A., ``Chaotic motion in a flexible beam and synchronization'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 12(4), pp. 0445055-044505-7, 2017. PDF (3.7 Mb)
    23. Ahmad, N, Ranganath, R. and Ghosal, A., ``Modeling and experimental study of a honeycomb beam filled with damping particles'', Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 391, pp. 20-34, 2017. PDF (2.51Mb)
    24. Singh, P., Jana, S., Ghosal, A. and Murthy A., ``Exploration of joint redundancy but not task space variability facilitates supervised motor learning'', PNAS, Vol. 113 (50), pp. 14414-14419, 2016. PDF (2.69Mb)
    25. Sandeep Reddy, B. and Ghosal, A., ``Asymptotic stability and chotic motions in trajectory following feedback controlled robots'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 11(5), pp. 051012-051012-11, 2016. PDF(2.9 Mb)
    26. Menon,S. Midhun, Gurumoorthy, B. and Ghosal, A., ``Efficient simulation and rendering of realistic motion of one-dimensional flexible objects'', Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 75-76, pp. 13-26, 2016. PDF(336 Kb). Planar motion of a curve(98Kb) Spatial motion of a curve(1.1 Mb) Comparison of spatial motion of a curve(7.0 Mb) Comparison of spatial motion of a curve(10.9 Mb)
    27. Sandeep Reddy, B. and Ghosal, A, ``Nonlinear dynamics of a rotating flexible link'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 10(6), pp. 061015-061015-9, 2015. PDF(8.3 Mb)
    28. Tharakeshwar, A. and Ghosal, A, ``A mobile robot with a two-degree-of-freedom suspension for traversing uneven terrains with minimal slip: Modeling, simulation and experiments'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 93, pp. 83-97, 2015. PDF(1.3 Mb)
    29. Ashith Shyam R B and Ghosal, A, ``Three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator to track the sun for concentrated solar power systems'', Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 793-800, 2015. PDF(315 Kb)
    30. Tharakeshwar, A. and Ghosal, A, ``Modeling and simulation of a three-wheeled mobile robot on uneven terrains with two-degree-of-freedom suspension mechanisms'', Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Vol. 43(4), pp. 466-486, 2015. PDF(1.1 Mb) Simulation on uneven terrain(5.6 Mb) Straight line motion with D4Bar(936 Kb)
    31. Chakravarthy, S., Aditya K., and Ghosal A., ``Experimental characterization and control of miniaturized pneumatic artificial muscle'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Medical Devices, Vol. 8(4), pp. 041011, 2014. PDF(1.3Mb)
    32. Chankekar, P. V., Fenelon, M. A. A. and Ghosal, A., ``Synthesis of adjustable spherical four-link mechanisms for approximate multi-path generation'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 70, pp. 538-552, 2013. PDF(7.8 Mb) Flapping wing MAV with two tip trajectories(18.6 Mb)
    33. Ranjan, B. S. C., Vikranth, H. N. and Ghosal, A., ``A novel prevailing torque fastener and its analysis'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 135(10), pp. 101007-9, 2013. PDF(1.11 Mb)
    34. Karanam, V. M. and Ghosal, A., ``Studies on wobble mode stability of a three-wheeled vehicle'' , Proc. of IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 227(8), pp. 1200-1209, 2013. PDF(1.08 Mb). See also IISc Eprints document for additional material on modeling of three-wheeled vehicle. Full text (PDF 4.0 Mb)
    35. Chankekar, P. V. and Ghosal, A., ``Optimal synthesis of adjustable planar four-bar crank-rocker type mechanism for approximate multi-path generation'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 69, pp. 263-277, 2013. PDF(544 Kb)
    36. Srivatsan, R. Arun, Bandyopadhyay, S. and Ghosal, A., ``Analysis of the degrees-of-freedom of spatial parallel manipulators in regular and singular configurations'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 69, pp. 127-141, 2013. PDF(12.5 Mb)
    37. Menon, S. Midhun, Ananthasuresh G. K. and Ghosal, A., ``Natural motion of one-dimensional flexible objects using minimization approaches'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 67, pp. 64-76, 2013. PDF(3.7 Mb) Planar motion of a curve(2.1 Mb) Spatial motion of a curve(17.3 Mb)
    38. Tharakeshwar, A. and Ghosal, A., `` A three-wheeled mobile robot for traversing uneven terrain without slip: Simulation and experiments'', Mechanics based Design of Structures and Machines, Vol. 41(1), pp. 60-78, 2013. PDF(950 Kb) Simulation on uneven terrain(3.0 Mb) Circular trajectory with SFTA(1.5Mb) Lane change with SFTA(520 Kb)
    39. Kamesh, D., Pandiyan, R. and Ghosal, A., ``Passive vibration isolation of reaction wheel disturbances using a low frequency flexible space platform'', Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 331(6), pp. 1310-1330, 2012. PDF(760 Kb)
    40. Kirana Kumara, P. and Ghosal, A., ``Real-time computer simulation of three dimensional elastostatics using finite point method'', Applied Mechanics and Materials, 110-116, pp. 2740-2745, 2012. PDF(167 Kb)
    41. Tharakeshwar, A. and Ghosal, A., ``Tip over stability of a three-wheeled mobile robot capable of traversing uneven terrains without slip '', Applied Mechanics and Materials, 110-116, pp. 2940-2947, 2012. PDF(320 Kb)
    42. Ghosal, A., ``Six component force-torque sensors Gough-Stewart platform manipulators'', Annals of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, Vol. VIII, pp. 79-88, 2011. PDF(1.34 Mb)
    43. Ghosal, A., ``The Freudenstein equation: Design of four-link mechanisms'', Resonance, Vol. 15, pp. 699-710, 2010. PDF(320 Kb)
    44. Kamesh, D., Pandiyan, R. and Ghosal, A., ``Modelling, design and analysis of a low frequency platform for attenuating micro-vibrations in spacecraft'', Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 329(17), pp. 3431-3450, 2010. PDF(1.30 Mb)
    45. Ravi, V. C., Rakshit, S. and Ghosal, A., ``Redundancy resolution using tractrix -- simulations and experiments'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 2, pp. 031013-1, 2010. PDF(1.44 Mb)
    46. Sreenivasan, S., Goel, P. and Ghosal, A., ``A real-time algorithm for simulation of flexible objects and hyper-reundant manipulators'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 45, pp. 454-466, 2010. PDF(3.7 Mb) Movie-1-snake(445 Kb) Movie-2-single-hand-knot(210 Kb) Movie-3-two-hand-knot(182 Kb)
    47. Nagaraj, B. P., Pandiyan, R. and Ghosal, A., ``A constraint Jacobian based approach for static analysis of pantograph masts'', Computers & Structures, Vol. 88(1), pp. 95-104, 2010. PDF(518 Kb)
    48. Bandyopadhyay, S. and Ghosal, A., ``An algebraic formulation of static isotropy and design of statically isotropic 6-6 Stewart platform manipulators'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 44, pp. 1360-1370, 2009. PDF(460 Kb)
    49. Bandyopadhyay, S. and Ghosal, A., ``An eigenproblem approach to classical screw theory'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 44, pp. 822-834, 2009. PDF(204Kb)
    50. Nagaraj, B. P., Pandiyan, R. and Ghosal, A., ``Kinematics of pantograph masts'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 44, pp. 822-834, 2009. PDF(265 Kb)
    51. Shankar Narayan, S., Nair, P. S., and Ghosal, A., ``Dynamic interaction of rotating momentum wheels with spacecraft elements'', Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 315 (4-5), pp. 970-984, 2008. PDF(1.54 Mb)
    52. Sangamesh Deepak R. and Ghosal, A., ``Special coordinates associated with recursive forward dynamic algorithm for open loop rigid multibody systems'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics., Vol. 75 (5), pp. 051003 - 05100311, 2008. PDF(392 Kb)
    53. Bandyopadhyay, S. and Ghosal, A., ``An algebraic formulation of kinematic isotropy and design of isotropic 6-6 Stewart platform manipulator'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 43, pp. 591-616, 2008. PDF(2.33 Mb)
    54. Sangamesh Deepak R. and Ghosal, A., ``A note on the diagonalizability and the Jordan form of the 4 x 4 homogeneous transformation matrix'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 128, pp. 1343-1348, 2006. PDF(240 Kb)
    55. Bandyopadhyay, S. and Ghosal, A., ``Geometric characterization and parametric representation of the singularity manifold of a 6-6 Stewart platform manipulator'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 41, pp. 1377-1400, 2006. PDF(2.24Mb)
    56. Chandra Shaker M. and Ghosal, A., ``Nonlinear modeling of flexible manipulators using nondimensional variables'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 1, pp. 123-134, 2006. PDF(1.6 Mb)
    57. Chakraborty, N. and Ghosal, A., ``Dynamic modeling and simulation of wheeled mobile robot for traversing uneven terrain without slip'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 127, pp. 901-909, 2005. PDF(490 Kb)
    58. Chakraborty, N. and Ghosal, A., ``Kinematics of wheeled mobile robots on uneven terrain'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 39, pp. 1273-1287, 2004. PDF(347 Kb)
    59. Bandyopadhyay, S. and Ghosal, A., ``Analytical determination of principal twists in serial, parallel and hybrid manipulators using dual vectors and matrices'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 39, pp. 1289-1305, 2004. PDF(282 Kb)
    60. Ranganath, R., Nair, P. S., Mruthyunjaya, T. S. and Ghosal, A., ``A force-torque sensor based on a Stewart Platform in a near-singular configuration'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 39, pp. 971-998, 2004. PDF(1.1 Mb)
    61. Bandyopadhyay, S. and Ghosal, A., ``Analysis of configuration space singularities of closed-loop mechanisms and parallel manipulators'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 39, pp. 519-544, 2004. PDF(382 Kb)
    62. Nagaraj, B. P., Nataraju, B. S. and Ghosal, A., ``Energy transfer during locking of deployable flexible links'', Journal of Spacecraft Technology, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 19-32, 2003.PDF(237 Kb -- figures not available)
    63. Theodore, R. J. and Ghosal, A., ``Robust control of multilink flexible manipulators'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 367-377, 2003. PDF(232 Kb)
    64. Bandyopadhyay, S., Ghosal, A. and Ravani, B., ``A differential geometric method for kinematic analysis of two- and three-degree-of-freedom rigid body motions'', Mechanics based Design of Structures and Machines, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 279-307, 2002. PDF(610 Kb)
    65. Ghosal, A. and Ravani, B., ``Differential geometric analysis of singularities of point trajectories of serial and parallel manipulators'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 123, pp. 80-89, 2001. PDF(671 Kb)
    66. Chowdhury, P. and Ghosal A., ``Singularity and controllability analysis of parallel manipulators and closed-loop mechanisms'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 35, pp. 1455-1479, 2000. PDF(525 Kb)
    67. Reddy, B. S., Simha, K. R. Y. and Ghosal, A., ``Free vibration of kinked cantilever with attached masses'', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 105, No. 1, pp. 164-174, 1999. PDF(241 Kb)
    68. Ravishankar, A. S., and Ghosal, A., ``Nonlinear dynamics and chaotic motions in feedback controlled two and three-degree-of-freedom robots'', Int. Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 93-108, 1999. PDF(575 Kb)
    69. Nagaraj, B. P., Nataraju, B. S. and Ghosal, A., ``Dynamics of a two-link flexible system undergoing locking-- mathematical modeling and comparison with experiments'', Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 207, No. 4, pp. 567-589, 1997. PDF(310 Kb)
    70. Shrinivas, L. and Ghosal, A., ``Chaos in robot control equations'', Int. Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 7, No.3, 1997, pp. 707-720. PDF(1.4 Mb - scanned copy)
    71. Theodore, R. J. and Ghosal, A., ``Modeling of flexible manipulators with prismatic joints'', IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics -- Part B, Vol. 27, No. 2, April 1997, pp. 296-305. PDF(402 Kb)
    72. Basu, D., and Ghosal, A., ``Singularity analysis of platform-type multi-loop spatial mechanisms'', Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 32, No. 3, March 1997, pp. 113-127. PDF(886 Kb - scanned copy)
    73. Theodore, R. J., Arakeri, J. H. and Ghosal, A., ``The modeling of axially translating flexible beams'', Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 191, No. 3, April 1996, pp. 363-376. PDF(307 Kb)
    74. Ghosal, A., ``Experiments and simulation of model-based controlled robots'', Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Vol. 76, No. 1, Jan-Feb. 1996, pp. 109-124.PDF(3.9 Mb --scanned copy)
    75. Theodore, R. J. and Ghosal, A., `` Comparison of the assumed modes and finite element models for flexible multi-link manipulators'', Int. Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 14, No. 2, April 1995, pp. 91-111. PDF(382 Kb)
    76. Balakrishna, A. and Ghosal, A., ``Modeling of slip for wheeled mobile robots'', IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 11, No. 1, Feb. 1995, pp. 126-132. PDF(682 Kb -- scanned copy)
    77. Dwarakanath, T. A., Ghosal, A. and Srinivasa, U., ``Kinematic analysis and design of articulated manipulators with joint motion constraints'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 116, No. 3, Sept. 1994, pp. 969-972.PDF(454 Kb - scanned copy)
    78. Ghosal, A. and Desa, S., ``Dynamic resolution of redundancy for robot manipulators'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, Sept. 1993, Vol. 115, pp. 592-598. PDF(196 Kb - scanned copy)
    79. Ghosal, A., ``The science and technology of robotics'', Bulletin of Sciences, Vol. VI, No. 3, Jan. 1992, pp. 5-10.
    80. Ghosal, A. and Roth, B., ``A new approach for kinematic resolution of redundancy'', Int. Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 22-35, 1988. PDF (3.2 Mb - scanned copy)
    81. Ghosal, A. and Roth, B., ``Instantaneous properties of multi-degrees-of-freedom motions -- Line trajectories'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanisms, Transmission and Automation in Design, Vol. 109, No. 1, pp. 116-124, 1987. PDF (996 Kb -- scanned copy)
    82. Ghosal, A. and Roth, B., ``Instantaneous properties of multi-degrees-of-freedom motions -- Point trajectories'', Trans. ASME, Journal of Mechanisms, Transmission and Automation in Design, Vol. 109, No. 1, pp. 107-115, 1987. PDF (1.05 Mb -- scanned copy)
    83. Sandor, G. N., Kohli, D., Hernandez, M. Jr.,and Ghosal, A., ``Kinematic analysis of a three-link spatial mechanism containing sphere-plane and sphere-groove pairs'', Mechanisms and Machine Theory, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 129-138, 1984. PDF (608 Kb)
    84. Sandor, G. N., Kohli, D., Reinholtz, C. F. and Ghosal, A., ``Closed-form analytic synthesis of a five-link spatial motion generator'', Mechanisms and Machine Theory, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 97-105, 1984. PDF (560 Kb)

    In Refereed Conferences

    1. Mahapatra, S K, Maddu, N K and Ghosal, A, ``Using neural networks for kinematics of closed-loop mechanisms and serial robots'', MMT Symposium, June 2024, Guimaraes, Portugal, Extended Abstract. PDF 980 Kb
    2. Barthwal, S and Ghosal, A, ``Design of pointing mechanism for satellite-based optical communication'', MMT Symposium, June 2024, Guimaraes, Portugal, Extended Abstract. PDF 276 Kb
    3. Mahapatra, S K and Ghosal, A, ``Modeliling of cable-driven continuum robots with multiple generally routed cables'', Proc. of iNaCoMM 2023 NIT Raipur, December 2023. DOI: PDF 885 Kb
    4. Singh, Y P, Ahmad, N and Ghosal, A, ``Dynamically isotropic Gough-Stewart platform design with flexural joints'', Proc. of iNaCoMM 2023 NIT Raipur, December 2023. DOI: PDF 964 Kb
    5. Singh, Y P and Ghosal, A, ``Vibration isolation in spacecraft using Gough-Stewart platform", IFToMM World Congress on Mechanism and Machine Science, Tokyo, November 2023, Extended Abstract. PDF 303 Kb
    6. Pal, P, Kolathaya, SNY and Ghosal, A, ``Efficient walking of quadruped using passive linear spring'', IFToMM World Congress on Mechanism and Machine Science, Tokyo, November 2023, Extended Abstract. PDF 1.5 Mb
    7. Mahapatra, S K and Ghosal, A, `` Obtaining Desired Shapes of Cable-Driven Continuum Robots Using General Cable Routing’’, Proc. of IFToMM World Congress on Mechanism and Machine Science, Tokyo, November 2023, pp.130-138.PDF 836 Kb
    8. Barthwal, S, Trikha, M and Ghosal, A, `` Flexible Hinge-Based Antenna Pointing Mechanism’’, Proc. of IFToMM World Congress on Mechanism and Machine Science, Tokyo, November 2023, pp. 302-310.PDF 367 Kb
    9. Pal, P, Dasgupta, A, Kolathaya, SNY and Ghosal, A, `` Optimum Design of a Compliant Foot for a Quadruped’’, Proc. of the 2023 6th International Conference on Advances in Robotics, July 2023, pp. 1-7.PDF 2 Mb
    10. Pal, P, Dasgupta, Bhashkar, A, Kolathaya, SNY and Ghosal, A, `` Efficient Robot Hopping Mechanisms with Compliance Using Evolutionary Methods’’, Proc. of International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria Danube Region, May 2023, pp. 453-460. PDF 6.2 Mb
    11. Singh, Y P and Ghosal, A, `` Dynamically Isotropic Gough-Stewart Platform Design Using a Pair of Triangles’’, Proc. of International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria Danube Region, May 2023, pp. 264-272. PDF 755 Kb
    12. Ahmad, N, Ranganath, R, Poomani, D and Ghosal, A, ``Vibration isolation characteristics of a modified Gough-Stewart platform with the top platform filled with damping particles'', Recent Advances in Machines and Mechanisms, 2023, pp. 243-256.PDF 2.93Mb
    13. Singh, Y. P. and Ghosal, A, ``Design of decoupled and dynamically isotropic parallel manipulators with five degrees of freedom'', International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, ASME, Vol. 86281, 2022. PDF 1307 Kb
    14. Sharma, S and Ghosal, A., ``Reaction solvability analysis using natural coordinates'', Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, pp. 991-1000. PDF (285 Kb)
    15. Mahapatra, S. K., Ashwin, K. P. and Ghosal, A, ``Modeling of cable-driven continuum robots with general cable routing: A comparison", IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, pp. 345-353, 2021. PDF (5.1 Mb)
    16. Singh, Y. P, Ahmad, N., and Ghosal, A, ``Design of dynamically isotropic modified Gough-Stewart platform using a geometry based approach", IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, pp. 258-268, 2021. PDF (590 Kb)
    17. Singh, Y. P, Ahmad, N., and Ghosal, A, ``Design of dynamically isotropic two radii Gough-Stewart platform with arbitrary number of struts", 9th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM) -- IEEE, pp. 66-71, 2021. PDF (590 Kb)
    18. Paigwar, K, Krishna, L, Tirumala, S, Khetan N, Verma, A, Joglekar, A, Bhatnagar, S, Ghosal, A, Amrutur, B and Kolathaya S N Y, `` Robust quadrupedal locomotion on sloped terrains: A linear policy approach’’, Proc. of the 2020 Conference on Robot Learning, PMLR 155:2257-2267, 2021.PDF 1.49Mb
    19. Karia, D, Rathnam R, Saxena A, Joshi M, Ghosal, A, Arora M and Gurumoorthy B, `` Design of a heart perfusion device for extending preservation time: A case study of risk management for a high-risk medical device'', Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 223, 2021, pp. 679-692.
    20. Ashwin, K. P. and Ghosal, A., ``Forward kinematics of cable-driven continuum robot using optimization method'', Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, pp. 391-403.PDF 854 Kb
    21. Singh U, Trikha M, and Ghosal A. ``Dynamic analysis of a legged lander system'', Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, pp. 449-458.
    22. Ahmad N, Ranganath R, and Ghosal A, ``A simplified impact damping model for honeycomb sandwich using discrete element method and experimental data'', Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, pp. 337-353PDF
    23. Tirumala S, Gubbi S, Paigwar K, Sagi A, Joglekar A, Bhatnagar S, Ghosal A, Amrutur B, and Kolathaya S, ``Learning stable manoeuvres in quadruped robots from expert demonstrations'', 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN 2020, 2020, pp. 1107-1112.
    24. Bhattacharya S, Singla A, Abhimanyu, Dholakiya D, Bhatnagar S, Amrutur B, Ghosal A and Kolathaya S, ``Learning active spine behaviors for dynamic and efficient locomotion in quadruped robots'', 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN 2019, 2019.
    25. Kolathaya S, Ghosal A, Amrutur B, Joglekar A, Shetty S, Dholakiya D, Abhimanyu, Sagi A, Bhattacharya S, Singla A, and Bhatnagar S, ``Trajectory based deep policy search for quadrupedal walking'', 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN 2019, 2019.
    26. Singla, A, Bhattacharya, S. Dholakia, D., S. Bhatnagar, A Ghosal, and B Amruthur, ``Realizing learned quadruped locomotion behaviors through kinematic motion primitives'', Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Volume 2019-May, 2019, Pages 7434-7440. Also available at arXiv preprint
    27. Ashwin, K. P. and Ghosal, A., ``Profile estimation of a cable-driven continuum robot with general cable routing '', Proc. of IFToMM World Congress on Mechanisms and Machine Science, Krakow, Poland, pp. 1879-1888, 2019, Springer. PDF(4.6 Mb)
    28. Dhaivat Dholakiya, Shounak Bhattacharya, Ajay Gunalan, Abhik Singla, Shalabh Bhatnagar, Bharadwaj Amrutur, Ashitava Ghosal, Shishir Kolathaya, ``Design, development and experimental realization of a quadrupedal research platform: Stoch'', IEEE-ICCAR Conference, April 19 - 22, 2019, Beijing. PDF(642 Kb). Also available as arXiv preprint .
    29. Ashwin, K. P. and Ghosal, A., ``Mathematical model for pressure-deformation relationship on miniaturized McKibben actuators'', Proc. of iNaCoMM 2017, Mumbai, India, 2017 -- also in Machines, Mechanism and Robotics 2019, pp. 267-278, Springer. PDF(249 Kb)
    30. Chaudhury, A. N. and Ghosal, A., ``Workspace of multi-fingered robotic hands using Monte Carlo method'', Proc. of iNaCoMM 2017, Mumbai, India, 2017 -- also in Machines, Mechanism and Robotics 2019, pp. 317-327, Springer. PDF(249 Kb)
    31. Suhan Shetty and Ghosal, A., ``Trajectory tracking and control of a car-like robot'', Proc. of iNaCoMM 2017, Mumabi, India, 2017 -- also in Machines, Mechanism and Robotics 2019, pp. 759-767, Springer. PDF(701 Kb)
    32. Ahmad, N., Ranganath, R. and Ghosal, A, ``Optimal parameter estimation of damping particles inserted in a honeycomb sandwich cells'', Proc. of 28th Int. Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies (ICAST 2017), Cracow, Poland, 2017.PDF(1.3 Mb)
    33. Ahmad, N., Ranganath, R. and Ghosal, A, ``A simplified impact damping model for honeycomb sandwich using discrete element method and experimental data'', Proc. of 13th Int. Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP), Guwahati, India, 2017.PDF(1.6 Mb)
    34. Chaudhury, A. N and Ghosal, A, ``Determination of workspace volume of parallel manipulators using Monte Carlo method'', Computational Kinematics (CK 2017), Futuroscope-Poiters, France, 2017. PDF(660 Kb)
    35. Shounak Bhattacharya and Ghosal, A, ``Flexible spine modeling for quadruped robot'', Proc. of Dynamic Walking 2017, Finland. PDF(255 Kb)
    36. Pramanik, S. and Ghosal, A., ``Developement of a sun tracking system using a 3-UPU spherical wrist manipulator'', Proc. of iNaCoMM 2015, Kanpur, India, 2015. PDF(249 Kb)
    37. Ashwin, K. P., Jose Don. P. and Ghosal, A., ``Modeling and analysis of a flexible end-effector for actuating endoscopic catheters'', Proc. of 14th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015. PDF(1.6 Mb)
    38. Menon M. S. and Ghosal, A., ``Obstacle avoidance for hyper-redundant snake robots and one dimensional flexible bodies using optimization'', Proc. of 14th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015. PDF(678 Kb)
    39. Ashith Shyam, R. B. and Ghosal, A., ``A three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator for concentrated solar power towers: modeling, simulation and design'', Proc. of SolarPACE 2015, Cape Town, South Africa, 2015. PDF(828 Kb)
    40. Ashith Shyam, R. B. and Ghosal, A., ``A parallel mechanism for tracking the sun'', Proc. of 2014 IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, Tianjin, China, 2014. PDF(420 Kb)
    41. Menon M. S., Gurumoorthy, B. and Ghosal, A., ``Efficient resolution of hyper-redundancy using splines'', Proc. of ARK 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014. PDF(240 Kb)
    42. Raviteja, C., Atluri, V Prasad and Ghosal, A., ``Experimental comparison of two different hybrid propulsion systems'', Proc. of FISITA 2014 World Automotive Congress, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2014. PDF(614 Kb)
    43. Chakravarthy, S., Aditya, K. and Ghosal, A., ``Developement of miniaturized pneumatic artificial muscle for surgical tools'', Proc. of iNaCoMM 2013, Roorkee, India, 2013. PDF(405 Kb)
    44. Chanekar, P. V. and Ghosal, A., ``Synthesis of adjustable planar and spherical four-linl mechanisms for approximate multi-path generation'', Proc. of 3rd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics, 2013, October 2013, Singapore. PDF(200 Kb)
    45. Raviteja, C., Sudhir Kumar, P., Atluri, V Prasad and Ghosal, A., ``A test bed for developement of low cost hyprid propulsion'', Proc. of FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress, Beijing, China, 2012. Extended Abstract and Full text PDF(280 Kb)
    46. Vinu, K. S. and Ghosal, A., ``Singularity analysis of closed-loop mechanisms and parallel manipulators'', Proc. of NaCoMM 2011, Chennai, India, 2011. PDF(405 Kb)
    47. Ghosal, A. and Prasad Atluri, V., ``Architectural study of hybrid electric propulsion systems for Indian cities'', Proc. of 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2011.PDF(310 Kb)
    48. Banerjee, S., Menon, M. S., Ananthasuresh, G. K., and Ghosal, A., ``Simulation of length preserving motions of flexible one dimensional objects using optimization'', Proc. of 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2011.PDF(1.31 Mb)
    49. Chandra Sekhar, A., Bandyopadhyay, S., and Ghosal, A., ``Partitioning instantaneous degrees of freedom and its application to three-degrees-of-freedom parallel manipulators'', Proc. of 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2011.PDF(316 Kb)
    50. Chatterjee, D. and Ghosal, A., ``Design of semi-regular Stewart platform manipulator for a desired workspace'', Proc. of NaCoMM 2009, Durgapur, India, 2009.PDF(345 Kb)
    51. Ravi, V. C., Rakshit, S., and Ghosal, A., ``Redundancy resolution using tractrix -- simulations and experiments'' Proc. of ASME IDETC/CIE 2009, San Diego, USA, 2009. PDF(432 Kb)
    52. Shivanand Bhavikatti, R. Ranganath, and Ghosal, A., ``A near-singular, flexure jointed, moment sensitive Stewart platform based force-torque sensor'', Proc. of NaCoMM 2007, 2007. PDF(845 Kb)
    53. Sandipan Bandyopadhyay and Ashitava Ghosal, ``Classical screw theory: a fresh look using the dual eigenproblem approach'', Proc. of NaCoMM 2007, 2007. PDF(845 Kb)
    54. J. Auchter, C. Moore and A. Ghosal, ``Modeling of wheeled mobile robots using dextrous manipulation kinematics'', Proc. of WCECS 2007 . PDF(1.0 Mb)
    55. S. Sreenivasan, Piyush Goel and Ashitava Ghosal., ``Redundancy resolution using a tractrix and its application to real-time simulation of hyper-redundant manipulators, snakes and tying of knots'', Proc. of 12th IFToMM World Congress, Besancon, France, 2007. PDF(2.35 Mb)
    56. Sandipan Bandyopadhyay and Ashitava Ghosal., ``An algebraic formulation of exact force-, moment-isotropy in spatial parallel manipulators'' Proc. of 12th IFToMM World Congress, Besancon, France, 2007. PDF(484 Kb)
    57. Nagaraj, B. P., Pandian, R., and Ghosal, A., ``Kinematics of pantograph masts'', Proc. of NaCoMM 05, IIT Guwahati, December 2005. PDF(156 Kb)
    58. Shrot, A., Kunal, K., and Ghosal, A., ``A novel mechanism for tracking of the sun'', Proc. of NaCoMM 05, IIT Guwahati, December 2005. PDF(286 Kb)
    59. Ranganath, R., Nair, P. S., Mruthyunjaya, T. S., and Ghosal, A., ``Studies on a Stewart platform based force-torque sensor in a near singular configuration'', Proc. of 11th IFToMM World Congress, Tianjin, China, 2004. PDF(890 Kb)
    60. Bandyopadhyay, S. and Ghosal, A., ``Analytical determination of principal twists in serial, parallel and hybrid manipulators using dual vectors and matrices'' Proc. of NaCoMM 2003, New Delhi, Dec. 2003. PDF(260 Kb)
    61. Chakraborty, N. and Ghosal, A., ``Kinematics of wheeled mobile robots on uneven terrain'', Proc. of NaCoMM 2003, New Delhi, Dec. 2003. PDF(350 Kb)
    62. Bandyopadhyay S. and Ghosal A., ``Anaytical determination of principal twists and singular directions in robot manipulators'', Proc. of ASME DETC'03, Chicago, USA, September 2003. PDF(244 Kb)
    63. Chakraborty N. and Ghosal A., ``Kinematics of wheeled mobile robots with toroidal wheels on uneven terrain'', Proc. of ASME DETC'03, Chicago, USA, September 2003. PDF(307 Kb)
    64. Bandyopadhyay S. and Ghosal A., ``Analysis of finite self motion and finite dwell in closed-loop mechanisms and parallel manipulators'', Proc. of ASME DETC'01, Pittsburgh, USA, September 2001. PDF(96 Kb)
    65. S. K. Jaiswal, A. Ghosal and B. Gurumoorthy, ``An efficient algorithm for circular blending of edges'', Proc. of ASME DETC'01, Pittsburgh, USA, September 2001. PDF(0.7 Mb)
    66. Theodore, R. J., Ghosal, A., ``Robust control of multilink flexible manipulators'', Proc. of NaCoMM'99, Mumbai, December, 1999.
    67. B. S. Reddy, Simha, K. R. Y., and Ghosal, A.,``Free and forced vibration of a kinked cantilever beam'', Proc. of ASME DETC'99, Las Vegas, USA, September 1999. PDF(250 Kb)
    68. Guruprasad, K. R., and Ghosal, A., ``Model reference learning control for rigid robots'', Proc. of ASME DETC'99, Las Vegas, USA, September 1999. PDF(310 Kb)
    69. Ghosal, A., and Ravani, B., ``A dual ellipse is a cylindroid'', ASME Mechanisms Conference, Atlanta, USA, September 1998. PDF(170 Kb)
    70. Ghosal, A., and Ravani, B., ``Differential geometric analysis of singularities of point trajectories of serial and parallel manipulators'', ASME Mechanisms Conference, Atlanta, USA, September 1998. PDF(1.24 Mb)
    71. Chowdhury, P., and Ghosal A., ``Singularity and controllability analysis of parallel manipulators'', ASME Mechanisms Conference, Atlanta, USA, September 1998. PDF(380 Kb)
    72. Ghosal, A., and Ravani, B., ``Geometric characterization of velocity distribution in manipulators'', Twelfth CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators, Paris, France, July 1998.
    73. Shrinivas, L. and Ghosal, A., ``Possible chaotic motions in a feedback controlled 2R robot'', Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, April 1996, Minneapolis.PDF(521 Kb - scanned copy)
    74. Ravikiran, J., Gopal, T. K. V., Dwarakanath, T. A., and Ghosal, A., ``Model based control of a 5 axis AC servo manipulator'', Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Advances in Mechanical Engg., Bangalore, India, Dec. 1995, pp. 287-296.
    75. Dwarakanath, T. A., Ghosal, A., Srinivasa, U., ``Design of articulated manipulators based on kinematic and dynamic criteria'', 1992 ASME Design Technical Conferences, September 1992, Arizona USA.
    76. Bhattacharya, S., Ghosal, A., ``A neural network for concurrent generation of configuration space trajectory'', Proc. of 1992 Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Network(ICANN '92), Brighton, UK, Ed. I. Alexander, Elsevier, pp. 571-574, Vol. 1.
    77. Ghosal, A., Desa, S., ``Dynamics of manipulators with redundant degrees of freedom'',ASME Mechanisms Conference, Chicago, USA, September 1990.
    78. Ghosal, A., Sandor, G. N., Kohli, D., ``Kinematic analysis of four-link spatial mechanisms containing sphere-groove and sphere-slotted-cylinder pairs'', ASME Mechanisms Conference, Paper No. 82-DET-123, 1982.

    In Other Conferences and Symposiums

    1. Ahmed, N., Ranganath, R. and Ghosal, A., ``Assessment of particle damping devive for large laminated structures under acoustic excitations'', Proc. of the 14th National Conference on Composites (INCOMM-14), 22-23 January, 2016, Hyderabad, India, 2016. PDF(465 Kb)
    2. Kirana Kumara P. and Ghosal, A., ``Graphics Processing Units for the Real-time Linear Elastostatic Simulation of Liver'', Proc. of the International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies (ACCT11), pp. 458-460, 20-22 January, 2011, Rohtak, India.
    3. Tharakeshwar, A. and Ghosal A., ``3-3 suspension mechanism for wheeled mobile robots on uneven terrain'', Int. Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery - IV, IIT Delhi, pp, 790-800, 2010.
    4. Tharakeshwar, A. and Ghosal, A., ``SFTA suspension mechanism for wheeled mobile robot on uneven terrain'', Int. Conference on Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, NIT-K, pp. 109-114, 2010.
    5. Kirana Kumara P. and Ghosal, A., ``A Procedure for the 3D Reconstruction of Biological Organs from 2D Image Sequences'', International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Assistive Technologies (BEATs-2010), 17-19 December, 2010, Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India.
    6. Tharakeshwar, A. and Ghosal, A., ``Novel suspension mechanisms for wheeled mobile robots on uneven terrains'', Int. Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, IISc Bangalore, 2008.
    7. Prashanth, M., Bhavikatti, S., Ranganath, R., and Ghosal, A., ``Analysis and design of a moment sensitive flexure jointed Stewart platform based force-torque sensor in a near singular configuration'', Proc. of ARMS-2005, Bangalore, 2005. PDF(357 Kb)
    8. Ramesh, B., Gurumoorthy, B., Raghu Menon, S., Ramakrishna Reddy, N., Ananthasubramanian, P. G., Ghosal, A., Ateequlla, C.M., Dhamodaran, V., ``A telescope made with cylinders: Constructing a 3 m sub-millimeterwave prototype'', Proc. of Int. Conf. on Sub-millimeterwave Science and Technology, India, 2004. PDF(1.36 Mb)
    9. Chakraborty, N. and Ghosal, A., ``Navigation of wheeled mobile robots on uneven terrain'', Proc. of ISPR 2004, Allahabad, February 2004.
    10. Ranganath, R., Nair, P. S., Mruthyunjaya, T. S., and Ghosal, A., ``Analysis and design of a sensitive force-torque sensor based on a Stewart platform in a near singular configuration'', National Seminar on Aerospace Related Mechanisms, Thiruvananthapuram, India, 2002.
    11. Reddy, B. S., Simha, K. R. Y., and Ghosal, A., ``Flexible robots: parametric study of eigenfrequency characterestics'', National Seminar on Aerospace Related Mechanisms, Hyderabad, India, 1999.
    12. Guruprasad, K. R. and Ghosal, A., ``Model reference learning control for rogid robots using ANFIS'', National Seminar on Aerospace Related Mechanisms, Hyderabad, India, 1999.
    13. Ravishankar, A. S. and Ghosal A., ``Nonlinear dynamics of robot control'', Proc. of Int. Conference on Dynamical Systems, Bangalore, January 1997, pp. 55-56(Extended Abstract).
    14. Nagaraj, B. P., Nataraju, B. S. and Ghosal A., ``Modeling and experiments of a two-link flexible system'', National Seminar on Aerospace related Mechanisms, Thiruvanthapuram, India, November, 1996.
    15. Theodore, R. J. and Ghosal, A., ``Modeling of flexible manipulators with prismatic joints'', Proc. of NACOMM 93 Conference, Kharagpur, India, December 1993, pp. 158-173.
    16. Balakrishna, R., and Ghosal, A., ``Modeling of slip and other non-linearities for wheeled mobile robots'', Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Intelligent Robots, Bangalore, India, January 1993, pp. 197-208.
    17. Dwarakanath, T. A., Ghosal, A., Srinivasa, U., ``Kinematic study of manipulators with limited joint motions'', Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Intelligent Robots, Bangalore, India, January 1993, pp. 25-34.
    18. Gopalakumaran, S., Ghosal A., ``Coupler curves and workspaces of planar mechanisms'', presented in National Conf. on Mechanisms and Machines - NACOMM '91, December 1991, India.
    19. Podder, T. K., Ghosal, A., ``Resolution of redundancy at the torque level'', Proc. of the Int. Symposium on Intelligent Robots, Bangalore, India, January 1991, pp. 472-481.
    20. Theodore, R. J., Ghosal, A., ``Modeling and control of light-weight flexible manipulators'', Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Automation, Robotics, and Computer Vision (ICARCV'90), Singapore, September 1990, pp. 361-365.
    21. Dwarakanath, S., Jayarajan, B., Ghosal, A., ``Design and fabrication of a mobile robot platform with omni-directional wheels'', Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Automation, Robotics, and Computer Vision(ICARCV'90), Singapore, September 1990, pp. 504-508.
    22. Dwarakanath, T. A., Shrinivasa, U., Ghosal, A., ``Optimal synthesis of geometry of painting robots with limited joint angles'', Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Automation, Robotics, and Computer Vision (ICARCV'90), Singapore, September 1990, pp. 376-381.
    23. Dwarakanath, T. A., Shrinivasa, U., Ghosal, A., ``Workspace optimisation of application specific manipulators'', Proc. of the Fourth Int. Conf. on CAD, CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, New Delhi, India, December 1989, pp. 581-590.
    24. Ghosal, A., Joy, F., ``Millcut -- An expert system for milling operations'', Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Expert System for Development, Katmandu, Nepal, March 1989.
    25. Desa, S., Nagurka, M. L., Ghosal, A., ``Product redesign for performance, manufacture and assembly: A rational methodology for total system design'', International Conference on Engineering Design(ICED'87), Boston, USA, August 1987. PDF(930 Kb -- scanned copy)


    Updated June 1, 2024.